Chapter 6: Beyond the Cracks

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Alice followed Diablo, waiting for Charon slowly approach the docks to leave their one home. Alice sat down shaking. Still in shock after what had happened.

Diablo kneeled down next to her, handing her a glass with clear water and she took slow sips.

"Why did it have to happen to him?" She sobbed.

"We could have done something."

Diablo sighed then took the glass from her and lit a fire in front of them, "There was nothing we could do. We heard that all of our lives."

They then saw a boat with a skeleton head at the end crossing the waters and coming closer. Diablo and Alice walked to the docks with coins in their hands then the ferryman showed a smile.

"You do understand that there will be no coming back, yes?" He reminded them.

They both nodded and then tossed the coins into a cauldron as they wiped the blood from their palms.

They then boarded the boat and Charon began to row down a long river.

"Where is it you shall go?" He asked.

"Isle of Gods, Charon, if anyone knows where to find Ryan, it is Ryker." Charon then gave a nod and continued on down the long river of souls.

Alice sat there with thoughts running through her mind. Diablo watched a tear starting to run down her cheek.

"Why did this have to happen?" Said Alice as she looked up at her brother.

"First grandmother, then Ty and now uncle. It isn't fair. They did not deserve to die." She then sobbed and buried her face into her lap.

"Look," Diablo sat next to her holding her close, "it may seem unfair, but it happens. As I said before, we do not know what the future beholds. We must learn to live and fight on."

Alice lifted her head up and sighed as they entered the Isle of Gods. They saw a small kingdom that was underneath the heart of the Isle getting closer.

Charon then stopped the boat at the docks near the end of the kingdom. Alice and Diablo stepped off of the boat to watch the ferryman say his farewells and disappear in the distance. Alice looked at Diablo with a sigh.

"I hope he accepts us," Alice told him, "We did not necessarily leave on the best terms."

Diablo sighed and started walking up a hill to the castle. They then knocked on the door three times until it opened. Ryker, a man that was blind with a cane in his hand, stepped through giving a sigh.

"I foresaw you two showing up." Said Ryker.

They then followed him into the castle, traveling through a long hallway into a large room. Ryker had goblin helpers roaming around and placing books onto bookshelves.

They both then sat in a couple chairs and Ryker poured red wine into a tall glass.

"Have you heard from Ryan?" Asked Alice.

Ryker shook his head, "He last contacted me two days after he had left the underworld to find out more about his cousin and where he may find him. His signal was lost weeks after." Ryker groaned as he sat down handing Diablo the glass of red wine.

"I cannot foresee what could be possibly happening. My powers grow weak and now I can feel Dominic's soul slowly fading."

"Which means you are dying." Alice wiped a tear pretending she was not worried.

Ryker sighed then grabbed his chest with his right palm, "I was able to tell Ryan the last place that the Pierman boy could be."

"Where?" Diablo wondered.

"First Light City. The outskirts. Whether he found him, I am not so sure."

Ryker then screamed to the top of his lungs feeling the pain worsening.

"Ryker." Alice and Diablo tried to help him to his feet.

"You both must find Ryan and the sonic warrior. They both are our only hope to stopping Blackheart." Said Ryker, faintly.

Ryker then took one last breath, and his body began to disappear with his soul floating up into the air before it vanished.

Alice looked up at Diablo and the goblins gathered around them to pay their respects to their master.

"Alice," Diablo tapped her shoulder, "we must be ready to leave. Charon cannot wait forever."

Alice sighed and stood up. The goblins waved saying farewell as they boarded the boat to enter Earth's surface.

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