Chapter 19: Sylvia's Destruction

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Syvia held TJ by the throat holding him up in midair. Giving a sinister grin.

TJ struggled trying to escape but it was no use. His mother had too strong of a grip for him to even squirm out of it. He could feel his lungs giving out slowly.

She then threw TJ across the floor and clenched her fist feeling the power becoming stronger in her. The darkness around the entire world was enough to make her become unstoppable.


"Blackheart, him and the demon boy will be back very soon. I can already feel it." She smiled.

Blackheart chuckled, "I think Selene is close to bringing her full body back. I have been watching her through the looking glass and she is inside her daughter's body."

Sylvia tapped her sharp fingernails against the window feeling the dark droplets sliding down the window and every smile she would give.

"Good. She is getting what she wants while I am getting exactly what I want." She then turned looking at Brad and Alice.

Brad stayed quiet while Alice gave a soft growl.

"You both are about to witness the possibilities of what a siren can do." She walked to Alice grabbing her by the cheeks as she pulled her close.

Alice knew how to hide her fear. Sylvia could tell it.

"Leave her be." Brad snapped.

She then looked at him with a crooked smile and the castle began to rumble. The skies were becoming darker, and the roof of Ryker's castle tore from the hedges and clouds entered the room swarming Sylvia and Alice as they both vanished.

Alice struggled. She yelled without giving into the fear.

"You will never win this." She told her.

Sylvia gave a maniacal laugh, "Trust me child. My destruction will change the world. I won't have to."

Alice closed her eyes and after the clouds diminished, she opened her eyes to see her and Sylvia back in the underworld. Dante and his army were on the gates that led up to the earth above them. Dante then approached her with a smile.

"It took you long enough, dark siren." Dante chuckled.

Sylvia giggled, "Just be glad I have made it here while I did. Are you ready for what is yet to come?"

Dante nodded, "Of course. After killing Dominic and throwing the other members of the demonic council into the cells of hell, I have finally claimed what was rightfully mine. What is rightfully mine."

Sylvia smiled, "Excellent." She then raised a hand up in the fiery sky opening an iron gate leading them to the grounds of earth.

The army of demons and hellhounds traveled on. Running through villages and destroyed houses, buildings, and the trees that lead up into them while Syliva looked back at Alice with a crooked smile.

"Your plan is never going to work." Alice assured her.

Sylvia giggled, "And you seem to believe that you are going to stop me? You are not an earth born, youngling."

Sylvia then walked away with the gates closing behind her. Leaving Alice alone in the depths of the underworld.

Sylvia looked at Dante and smiled, "I hope you are ready. Do not make me regret allowing you onto this world. We do not need a repeat of what happened to you last time."

Dante rolled his eyes and nodded, "Of course I am. I am not about to allow that mistake repeat itself."

Sylvia smiled and the demons and hellhounds continued on through. Villagers started running from them knowing they could not outrun the monsters. Villagers started hiding in tight spots and praying for their lives.

They then continued on to First Blight City. Where it all began.

The war.

Sylvia then looked to him once more and pointed outside the village limits, "You must find Jayce and whoever might be with him. Bring him to the Cybertech building. I have a feeling that I know who might know of the destroyer's location. Or ways to find it."

Dante raised a brow confused, "That is your ultimate plan? If you believe that is so, of course. The deed will be done."

She then grabbed his arm before he could step away any further, "Be mighty careful, Dante. My grandson possesses his siren abilities. Make sure he agrees to go willingly. Not forcefully."

She then pushed him away leaving him making a scoff under his breath.

She then turned away and as did Dante. Hellhounds and demons followed right behind him with smug faces and sharp teeth with a growl as loud as could be following behind it.

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