Chapter 20: Bloodlust

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"Kiara." Daksan walked outside from an old house in the heart of Katana Village. Kiara looked to him with a smile.

"Look who decided to finally awaken." She chuckled.

"What happened?" He asked.

Kiara smiled then leaned her arms against a metal railing upon the front porch and watched him stand next to her with his hand gripping onto the metal rail.

"What is the last thing you remember?"

Dak sighed, "All I can recall is Drago appearing and then nothing."

"We were gone before anything actually happened." She told him.

Dak then heard footsteps approaching behind him and he could tell who it was. The pattern of the footsteps was familiar and he turned around seeing Tai after rolling his eyes.

"The prodigal son returns." Daksan scoffed.

Tai chuckled, "Just be glad you are still standing here."

Dak stayed quiet and turned his back away. Tai gave a deep sigh and looked to Kiara as she gave a nod and walked away. Tai then stood next to Daksan placing both hands onto the railing and chuckled as he looked around the village and the darkened skies.

"You abandoned me, brother." Dak sighed.

"My departure was a mistake, I know. The way me and Tyson ended along with his banishment should have not even been started."

"I lost a lot too, brother. Dad died because of a crazy science experiment and mom died months before leading up to it."

Tai sighed and smiled until lightning flashed filling the skies. Tai and Dak looked up and heard growling and screaming heading toward them. Kiara then started running to them panicking.

"Kiara, what is it?" Tai wondered.

"The demons. Dante has somehow brought them and he is bringing part of his army this way." She then gasped as hellhounds surrounded them.


"Daksan, that cyber tech of yours better work." He hoped.

Dak tried swinging his wrists, but he heard the sound of powering up then slowly powering down. Dak then felt his body lock up.

"Dak." Dak stood there and Tai looked over to see his eyes closed.

He sighed, "The one day and your body wants to go on lockdown."

Kiara held her dagger tightly as the hounds continued to get closer. Tai took a deep breath and hoping it did not have to come to this.

The hounds then jumped and charged at them. With Tai moving Dak at multiple blocks and multiple dodges, the hounds scratched and almost bit Tai. He knocked them back away from them, but it was no use.

They continued to attack.

"There's too many of them." Kiara gasped.

Tai then felt a hound tug onto Dak's metal arm, and he groaned trying to fight the hound by pulling him away. Kiara was too busy fighting off every single one of them.

A hound then pounced onto Tai's back with its' claws digging into it and their sharp teeth forced into his skin drawing blood that dripped from his back down to his legs. He then knew he could not hold onto Dak much longer.

He released his grip and the hound that was tugging dragged him down a path into what was known as the forbidden forest. Kiara then knocked the hounds off of Tai as he fell to the ground. The hounds then started running away.

It was like they were only after one.


Kiara then held Tai in her arms. She heard him grow a sudden growl.

"Tai?" She sobbed.

"You have to get out of here. I cannot allow you to see what is to come next."

Kiara sighed, "What do you mean? See what?"

She then backed away as Tai's hands turned into a claw and his eyes give a blood red color. He pushed Kiara off of him and slowly stood up.

"Tai? What has happened to you?" She wondered.

"Run," Tai growled with a demonic voice.

Kiara then gasped and ran into the forbidden forest. Trying so hard not to turn around and look back. She knew she needed to continue running while feeling the tears fall to the ground and rush down her face as she ran.

She then felt the heel of her feet catch a branch out of the ground and she fell. Sobbing as she slowly leaned up.

Why is this happening? What did Tai turn himself into?

She questioned everything and only knew one person who could help.

She had to find Jayce. It was the only way.

Only option.

She then heard footsteps approaching and she struggled to stand hearing the echo of birds flying and the pattern of the footsteps were coming closer.

She then felt a man's shoe touch her foot and with a gasp she turned to look up to a beat-up Tyson. An old scar that Tai had placed on him with dry blood still surrounding it.

"Hello, Kiara." He grinned.

He then grabbed her by the arm and dragged her away into the shadows. She tried to yell but she was too far into the forest and nobody could hear her.

All she heard was her voice echoing back to her.

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