Chapter 21: The Wrath and The Destroyer

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Tai, in what was called a demonic wolf, approached Sylvia who was standing at a gate not far from the forbidden forest. She looked at his red wolf eyes with a crooked smile.

"Good work, young samurai prince." She then saw the hellhound dragging Daksan by the leg and threw him in front of Sylvia's pointy feet.

She gave a crooked snare, "So this is the cyber warrior. He looked a little deactivated." She giggled.

Tai growled, "Do not hurt him."

Sylvia chuckled, "Trust me, dear." She then grabbed Daksan by the mechanical arm lifting him up.

"I am not the one who you need to worry about."

Tai then watched Syvia walk past him and he followed behind her slowly forming back into his human self. She then placed chains around Dak's wrists and locked them around an old oak tree.

"Tai," She smiled as he stood next to her, "what do you know of the one who is named Wrath?"

Tai stayed quiet then took a deep breath, "Wrath is more of a creator. It has never been confirmed if Wrath is a man nor if Wrath is a woman. Different forms rather. Then there is the destroyer. They both were close like brothers or sisters only the destroyer was lost in the darkness."

Sylvia smiled, "Wrath was weak while it was also strong. The destroyer was stronger and with every strength and weakness, it is always so unpredictable."

Tai looked up toward her, "Why are you so curious about them? They both were vanquished after Zeus managed to lock them both out of reach."

"It is not Wrath that I need," She smiled, "I can hear its' calling. It grows much darker and with it, I will be unstoppable."

Tai then heard a rustle through some bushes near them. He turned as did Sylvia showing her nasty grin upon her face. She looked at him and gave him a nod then Tai started venturing through the woods.

He could hear the rustling getting closer. He then sighed and with the flick of his wrist, a bush uncovered a young girl crouching behind it. She gasped and quickly stood up.

"Kya." He whispered as he looked back m=to make sure he was not being followed.

Kya scoffed, "You should not be working with her, Tai."

"You do not understand. She controls me now and I cannot turn back now."

Kya laughed maniacally, "I am not here for the sob story, Cousin. I had to make sure you were alright. That curse is slowly eating you alive and you know it."

Tai turned around and looked over his shoulder, "Where is Kyra?"

Kya clenched her fist and took a deep breath, "I wish I knew. Her and I parted ways after she found out about the dark assassins and Rose."

Tai then heard the hellhounds barking and growling in the far distance. He looked back at Kya once more with a smile.

"You have to go. If Sylvia finds you, it will be the end of me. She will know that I have been dishonest."

"Has she awaken the monster yet?" Tai stopped and turned back to her.

"What?" He asked.

Kya then could see the hounds coming closer as she smiled, "Awakening the destroyer will doom us all."

She then backed up through the branches and Tai turned around leading his way back to Sylvia. She saw him walk back and stood next to her.

"Any problems?" She asked.

Tai shook his head. Sylvia smiled and she heard the sound of a portal opening. Blackheart sighed and smiled after seeing the cyber warrior hanging there helplessly.

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