Chapter 25: The Conclusion

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The rain started to fall. Day of passing.


They were beyond broken. TJ laid inside an open casket as Scarlett and Brad placed roses onto his chest with a tear shedding from their eyes and walked away to stand around the circle of everyone who knew him.

Who knew Jayce. Who met them along the way,

Austin stood next to Daksan and Tai while Diablo walked next to Scarlett with a sigh. Scarlett looked to him then back at TJ preparing to be lowered to the ground.

"How is Ryan and Alice?" She asked.

Diablo took a deep breath and sighed, "Dante is behind bars in the deepest cellars within Hell. Alice seems to be alright, but Ryan wants death to be a solution to Dante."

Scarlett scoffed, "Does that even work in hell?"

Diablo chuckled and shook his head. She smiled and turned her head over to Austin.

Scarlett then looked to see a man in a suit and tie with a ring on his finger walked in front of his casket giving a sigh and placing one last rose onto his chest as did everyone else and walked back to Brad and Scarlett.

Brad looked at him and raised a brow, "Who are you?"

"Chris." Scarlett whispered.

Chris looked over at her with a soft chuckle, "You do your research, princess."

Scarlett then rolled her eyes, "Please, I always heard about the one hero Starstrike. My father knew of you. And Johnny."

He smiled and crossed his arms as the preacher began to say goodbyes along with everyone else.

Not far from the funeral, Jayce watched his dad be lowered into his grave. He felt the tear running down then wiped it away quickly.

He learned that being a sonic warrior comes with so many risks.

The loss he had seen. That he had dealt with.

He then walked away off of a mountain top. He did not know what he would find.

Only knew he would soon be needed.


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