Chapter 12: The Lost City

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Jayce and Sammie slowly opened their eyes and slowly stood up. They both looked around and ahead was an old, abandoned city.

Jayce and Sammie started heading through the city seeing nobody in sight. Only buildings that were halfway destroyed and others that looked like they have been burned down.

"What is this place?" Sammie wondered.

Jayce was quiet as they continued walking. They approached an old, abandoned house which gave Jayce a familiar feeling. As if he had been here before.

He then walked into a room and felt tears building up in the bottom of his eyes after looking around. He could see flashbacks of him as a kid and his mom on the bed laughing and giggling.

Sammie walked behind him tapping him on the shoulder. He shook his head and wiped the tears away then smiled.

"This is my home." He smiled.

Sammie raised a brow, "Why did Von suddenly send us here? That does not make much sense."

Jayce shrugged and looked outside what was left of the window seeing a city that was showing lights that blinded the night skies from a distance.

"Far wood City." Said Jayce.

"You been there before?" Sammie asked.

Jayce sighed and nodded, "When I was a child, I had a friend out there that I used to run with. Last time I have seen him my dad's last day before his disappearance."

Jayce then started heading to the city with Sammie following behind him. They walked down the city streets; there were no sign of anybody around. Doors were nailed shut while others were broken into.

"What could have happened here?"

Jayce was quiet and they continued on.

The city was so abandoned like it has been lost for years. The skies were covered by the dark clouds from Blackheart's dark power growing stronger. There was no sign of shadow walkers or not even a single trace that they were roaming these grounds at all.

Jayce stopped to look up at a sign that read, "Welcome to Far Wood City! Home of the free." Jayce sighed then heard a loud bang shooting toward them.

Jayce ducked and grabbed Sammie out of the way as he watched the pulse of energy race past them. Jayce groaned and Sammie helped him to his feet.

A man then walked toward them with a mask over his head and a blue and white suit with a sword shining upward and a star at the point.

Jayce looked at him for a moment then to Sammie, "Sammie, go. Now."

"Wait what about you?" Sammie stammered.

Jayce growled, "Go. I will catch up with you."

With a nod, Sammie rushed off quickly as Jayce slowly got to his feet.

"Chris, Let's talk this out." He begged.

Chris then swung his fist upward uppercutting Jayce's chin and knocking him to the ground.

Jayce groaned and Chris then placed his left foot onto his chest. Jayce screamed in agony feeling his bones starting to crack.

"You should have not come back, Jayce." He warned him.

"Chris, why are you d-doing this?'

Chris then put pressure onto his chest, "You know exactly why."

He then lifted his foot up off of him and turned his back with a growl. Jayce laid there still screaming in pain.

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