Chapter 9: Sirens Reborn

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Jayce felt his heart drop and what he had hoped was the siren instincts kicking in, was a cold fierce emptiness.

Angelina smirked and within a blink, she appeared behind them on the jet. She giggled grabbing a wine bottle.

"Wine anybody?" She laughed.

Scarlett growled, "Everything seems like a joke to you, doesn't it?"

"Of course, not little niece," scoffed Angelina, "I only think of the seriousness of things. The fun just follows behind it."

She then looked to Sammie with a nasty smile. She pointed to her, and Sammie felt her body lock then move closer to her. Angelina showed another crooked smile.

"You look just like her. It makes me sick." Angelina then dropped Sammie and turned to Jayce, Scarlett, Brad, Kade, and Austin.

"Blackheart has a plan for this world. Knowing the Pierman child is here, he is not taking it lightly."

Jayce clenched his fists and quickly charged at her, but she stopped him in his tracks and pushed him back as he fell outside of the jet.

"Jayce!" Scarlett screamed.

Angelina laughed, "No need to try and aid him. We have much to discuss."

Kade watched Scarlett's eyes flaring up into flames. Angelina could see the burning siren awakening and showed a smirk.

"Scar, it is too dangerous right now." Kade warned her.

"You have a lot to learn, youngling." Angelina looked to Sammie as Brad and Austin stood near her.

"You will know your true place. Now, the dark one must end the sonic warrior."

Jayce then groaned and stood up to see Blackheart standing over him with a grin upon his face.

"You do not look that scary. You are just a boy." He laughed.

Jayce tried standing up until Blackheart stepped his foot onto his head forcing it to stay down.

Jayce screamed to the top of his lungs.

"You cannot win this, kid. Your grandfather even knew that before you were even thought of. Your grandmother will rise again, and it will be just her and I."

"That is your plan?" Jayce groaned.

"To bring the one that started it all. You do not seem to realize what that could mean for you."

Blackheart laughed and took his foot away waving his arms around, "Look around you. This world was broken ever since the wars that had been casted over."

Jayce slowly stood up, "I will stop you. It may not be by my own hand, but our fight is not over yet."

Blackheart then lifted his hand and Jayce felt his throat being choked as he wrapped his hands around it.

"You best be lucky I am going so easy on you because of Sylvia. I would hate to see where you'd end up." He then gave a sinister laugh.

The wind then began to pick up heavily. Dust and fog surrounded the entire area, and something was headed toward them slowly. Blackheart then released Jayce from his grasp as he fell to the ground.

Angelina watched from the jet wondering who or what it was. She felt something oddly familiar about it.

A man then appeared through the despair of fog. Jayce could vaguely see the man and he felt it. The exact feeling that Angelina was having.

"Dad?" He whispered.

Ty's eyes lit up sky blue and he rushed to Blackheart, pushing him away from Jayce and the jet. Angelina then vanished and appeared next to Blackheart to help him up.

"How is this possible?" Blackheart snapped.

TJ chuckled and he looked down at Jayce with a smile, "I have been waiting for this day, Blackheart. Bringing my mother back will not happen."

He then cackled, "We shall see about that. My work is far from over."

He then opened a portal with Angelina following behind him and it closed behind them. TJ helped his son up to his feet and helped him to the jet.

The jet would still do nothing but sputter and die all of a sudden. There was no way out.

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