Chapter 15: The Heart of the Monster

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Sammie shivered as she felt a cold brush of wind fly past her the closer, they had got to the destroyed school.

Jayce gave a slight chuckle, "You seem cold."

She gave a sarcastic laugh, "I did not grow up here, yet it gives me chills."

Jayce smiled and began to search under the rocks and dirt. He could feel the souls of the ones that died from the fall of the school and the ground felt so hollow. He could even feel Ty's dead soul that seemed to still be here. He closed his eyes feeling a tear slowly running down his cheek.

"Trust me," he then stood up wiping the tear from his eyes, "it has that effect on you. Even years after being here, it takes a toll on me."

He then continued up what was the stairs leading to a large corridor. There were broken picture frames and books that were partially damaged and had only a few little writings on it.

"This place does not seem like it was pretty after it fell." Sammie mentioned.

Jayce sighed then looked up to an open door leading into a small room, "Let's keep going."

They then walked into the room and stopped after noticing a long straight line across the floor. Sammie stopped behind him bumping into his shoulder.

"Trip wire." Jayce whispered.

"Why a trip wire?" Asked Sammie.

"This is Ryan's old room. He must have had it booby trapped in case anyone would ever try to step foot in here."

He then chuckled under his breath, "Smart kid."

Sammie then stood beside Jayce and took her bow to aim it toward a red switch. She pulled the quiver back with the arrow staying very still. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes and opened them after releasing the string watching the arrow quickly hit the switch.

The line then snapped and swung away from them both allowing them to walk right through. Sammie placed the bow in her back holster and walked in then Jayce gave a smile and followed behind.

"What are we searching for exactly?" She wondered.

Jayce then heard a beeping sound and with a curious look, he could see a red dot blinking under a patch of rubble. He then picked it up and pressed the red button to show a hologram of what showed April. He dropped the device to the ground with a gasp and felt his heart drop.

"April?" He stammered.

April gave a smile, "Ryan, you may not know me very well yet. Something has happened and your father is all you will ever have now. If anything, ever happens to the school or your father, you must leave. Find your cousin, Jayce. I have feared this day for a while and it is finally here. Jayce and you both are the only two who can stop what will be coming."

She then turned away slowly and looked at Jayce sitting on a step with a smile. She smiled and turned back staring at Jayce and Sammie.

"I love you, Ryan. This may be my last moments and I may never see you again until the day of judgement. There is one thing you must promise to keep safe. It is the power stone, with it in the wrong hands, the one who holds it can grant invulnerability and impossible to be hurt. Keep it with you and never lose sight of it."

The hologram then powered down and came to an end. Jayce was quiet and Sammie then suddenly heard footsteps approaching behind them. Jayce turned around and within a blink, an arrow quickly shot past him swiping the side of his cheek. The arrow then tapped against a concrete wall and fell to the floor.

A man then shouted and started swinging at Jayce making him dodge quickly without hesitation. The man then took the bow and swung catching Jayce where he slammed into the ground.

"Jayce!" Sammie shouted.

Jayce slowly stood up, groaning. The man then started walking to him with the bow hanging from his clenched-up fist.

"Who are you?" Jayce groaned.

"Adam!" The man then stopped and saw another man walking behind him.

Jayce knew the voice. He could feel something familiar about the man.

"Ryan." He chuckled.

"I thought I would never find you." Ryan smiled.

Suddenly, the ground rumbled and shook as if there was an earthquake about to happen. Jayce looked to Sammie telling her to get down quickly.

Ryan and Adam then turned around to see Hades and Hermes standing behind them with a nasty grin on their faces.

"Well, well, well, isn't this a pleasant surprise. The demon prince and the sonic warrior together again." Hades snickered.

Ryan gave a soft scoff, "Dante had to send his two poor excuse of henchmen to do his dirty work? Must be great taking over the underworld knowing he cowards away."

Hermes gave a grin, "Listen well, youngling. It is only a matter of time until Blackheart brings the siren empress, Sylvia. And this world will bow down to him. Dante will bring chaos to this world and when he does, it is no telling what could happen."

"Is that why you're here?" Adam laughed, "To try and tell us something that we already knew?"

Hades scoffed, "If it was not for Von and Drago, this would never be possible. You would be falling to your knees if we could ever help it."

Ryan raised a brow, "That is crazy. I killed him long ago."

Hades chuckled, "Hear that, Hermes?" He looked over to his brother who had the same laughing smile on his face.

"Apparently Von was easily defeated by the demon wonder."

Ryan then gave a soft growl and looked at Jayce. Jayce sighed and gave a disappointed look.

He knew it was true. Von is still out there and there was no time to think about him or what he could be planning.

"You will not get away with this, you both." Adam threatened.

Suddenly, the clouds began to form into a vortex above what was left of the building. The walls started to crumble around Jayce, Ryan, Adam, and Sammie while Hermes and Hades shared a grin upon their demon faces.

The vortex then caused the rocks to lift up into the air, destroying everything in its' path then the four felt themselves being lifted up into the heart of the clouds.

"What is this?" Ryan exclaimed.

"You will see soon enough." Hades laughed sinisterly.

They all four then started to quickly float up through the vortex and with a flash of light in the sky, the vortex slammed shut and quickly diminished.

Hermes gave a deep sigh, "They will get back here eventually."

"I am well aware of that, brother." He smiled.

"The dark one wants them to continue their nonsense of a hunt until Sylvia can fully be restored."

Hades then walked away with Hermes following not far behind him. The rest of the school was completely destroyed and left nothing but a distant memory.

Elemental Stones: The Return Of The SirenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora