Training month

464 29 3

3rd person POV:

Majima laid bareback on a floor covered with shinobi symbols.

Kakashi stood over him while dealing with the curse mark left on Majima by the Sannin of snakes.

Majima: This is very uncomfortable, can we get this over with?

Kakashi: Hold still, and we should be done in a minute.

Orochimaru: Make that two...

Kakashi's hand became covered in lightning, as he quickly turned to the Sannin of snakes.

Kakashi's hand became covered in lightning, as he quickly turned to the Sannin of snakes

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Kakashi: So you're the one who harassed my students.

Orochimaru: "Harrassed"? I gave the little Uchiha a gift.

Majima: Gift my ass! It's sucking my chakra this damn curse mark!

Orochimaru: Why yes... And I'm here to tell you where that chakra is going.


Orochimaru: That curse mark is a special thing I developed to rival something called Sage jutsu.

Orochimaru: Consider it a rival to it, since I'm unable to obtain it.

Orochimaru: Pouring your chakra into the curse mark will give you access to great strength and powers, at the cost of basic jutsu use.

Majima: Sounds like shit! Why are you telling me this?

Orochimaru: I'm planting the seeds to make you come to me, Majima.

Kakashi: You're not getting him.

Orochimaru: When he realizes my curse power is the only way he'll ever kill his brother...

Orochimaru: He'll come running to learn the curse jutsus that go with the Curse power.

Majima: Tch!


Kakashi strikes Orochimaru to reveal it was simply a construct of snakes.

Kakashi: Ignore him, any power made by him, is not worth using.


Majima: Shut up and seal this damn thing already!

As Kakashi puts a seal on Majima's mark, the young Uchiha thinks.

Majima:(mind) I can't listen to that prick... But if it can...

(Opening theme)

Sitting on the river, Kiryu was meditating per Jiraiya's institutions.

Jiraiya:(reading a nude magazine)... Oooohh~

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