𝔻𝕒𝕞𝕟 𝕚𝕥! (𝕡𝕥.8)

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I climbed out of the small river, soaking wet and panting heavily. "Damn it!" I shouted in anger. "What the hell am I doing wrong?!" Sighing, I lay with my back on the ground next to the small river and shut my eyes. I had been at this for hours now and I still couldn't figure out what to do. I was soaked to the bone and the water being cold definitely wasn't helping things either. But in order to stop getting soaked, I needed to get this Jutsu.

I begrudgingly stood back up and focused my chakra to my feet, once more. I stepped onto the water and tried to make my chakra flow with the water instead of against it, as that was what I had been doing beforehand and I shut my eyes, waiting to fall into the water like I had done so many times before, but nothing happened.

I slowly opened one eye and saw I was standing completely fine on the surface of the water. I then opened my other eye and tried to walk.

A giant grin spread across my face as I pumped my fist in the air. "Finally!" I leapt with joy. Yes, leapt. But that was a bad idea because I got distracted and I ended up being submerged once again. I clawed my way to the surface and coughed the water that I had inhaled out of my lungs. I sighed and decided to try again. Being successful once again.

I walked around the river for a little while just to try and practice it then went off to find Kakashi. I found him sitting alone in the woods reading one of his books and greeted him with a casual, "Sup?"

"Yo." Kakashi greeted back, pocketing his book and looking up at me to meet my eyes.

I ignored the wet feeling of my clothes and said, "So, what do I do now?"

"Take your shirt off."


'I didn't take Kakashi to be into the type that is young boys.'

"Urasai, Narci, let him explain."

"Take you-"

"I heard you. But, why?" I forced Narci's and Mado's bickering to a quiet and looked inquisitively at the silver-haired man.

"Because you need to put dry bandages on. That's why."

I made an "o" face and did as he said. He wasn't just trying to be creepy... Oops. I cut the bandages off from my abdomen and took out some more gauze and another bandage. I also brought out a change of clothes and a rag to dry the wound.

I dried the wound and wrapped it with the bandage and gauze. After I did that I put on the dry shirt and dry trousers.

I put my wet clothes and wet bandage into separate scrolls and then looked at Kakashi. "So, what now?"

"You meditate."

"Why?" I asked in confusion. Why meditate?

"To relax. You can't put too much strain on your body or else you will end up in the same state I'm in or worse, " The silver-haired man explained to me. "And also, it helps to calm your chakra down."

I sighed and sat with my back against a tree. I closed my eyes and slowed my breathing down. Afterwards, I focussed on slowing my chakra down so it wasn't pulsing through my body so quickly.

After I did that, I thought of Itachi. I pictured him in my mind and spoke. Itachi?

'Raiden. I didn't think I'd hear from you so soon.'

I'm supposed to be meditating but I thought I'd try to contact you.

'Okay, well, if that's all-'

Wait! I called after him.


...When you said that you could see what's going on around me, through Shisui's eye, can I do the same?

ℍ𝕒𝕣𝕦𝕟𝕠 ℝ𝕒𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝑜𝑛𝑒Where stories live. Discover now