Dating them would include

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King Ben:

Public display of affection, kisses, hand holding, hugs, and Ben unexpectedly giving gifts.
When Ben gets stressed you give him a message and he is surprised you knew it would work.
You helping him out with the work load so he can also enjoy being in high school.
Planing dates, and aniversarys.
Reminding him to take breaks.
But when your sick that's when Ben asks his father to watch over you since Ben was now king, he couldn't put everything on hold.
Ben's dad was more than happy to help since you are like a daughter to him.
You like reading, thought when you were younger you hated it until you gave it a try.
When Ben has a break, he makes sure to see you.
If Ben got sick you take over, make sure you check on him whenever you have the time, which you make sure you do.
But when your alone it's cuddles, cuddles, cuddles.
Ben's the passionate kind of lover, sweet and loyal, understanding.
Before the relashionship progressed in the first year he was shy and very very lovey dovey.

Beast ben:

When he's in his beast form it's hard for him to be around people, so you have to step in, he imeaditly calms down.
You have to brush him, pet him, cuddle and basicly in polite terms, beast sit.
But when he's a beast he's protective king of lover.

Prince Ben:

His habits never changed, you doubt they would when he becomes king.
His displays of affection are often shown in kisses, hugs, hand holding, hugging you from behind, and gifts.
Which is either flowers or a horse.
The sweet and shy lover.
When you sick that's when ben puts everything on hold, or makes sure you spend the night at his place when he was done with school so he can keep an eye on you.
When he's at school you are in your dorm, doing school work, dispite Ben insisting you rest, so you don't fall behind.
If Ben got sick, you make sure he gets better.
When at home it's cuddles, cuddles, cuddles.

Carlos de vil:

Public displays of affection, hugs, kisses, hand holding and tickle fights.
You helping him with his fear of dogs when he first arrived in auradon.
If he's sick you make sure to make Carlos comfertable and gets better.
When your sick Carlos is by your side, but when classes start, he asks Dude to keep you company.
Content lover.


Public displays of affection, which with him was all the time.
It's kisses, hugs, hand holding and cuddles.
When he's sick your there every step of the way, when your sick he asks harry and uma for help since when he found out he paniced.
Very very passionate lover.

Male Aurdery:

He gives gifts alot, a form of affection he adopted when he started dating you.
You were kidnapped by a villain when you were a baby, grimor the grizzly, cause you were hiccups and astride first born daughter.
When Ben involed you in the vk transfer to auradon and hiccup and Astrid were there cause they wanted to know if it was you.
When you came out of the limo, hiccup froze, you look like him, alot.
Red hair, green eyes and pale.
He called your name and Ben knew what that ment, ben said turning to you.
"Y/n haddock"?
Being confused, you asked.
"How do you know my full name"?
Astrid came up and said.
"y/n honey it's me, it's mama".

When that happened Adrian made sure to give you everything you didn't get growing up.

There's also hugs, kisses, hand holding.
Heck when your sick was a rare thing, he stayed by you and did your work cause he wanted you to rest.
When he's sick you do the same.
Understanding and sweet lover.


Public displays of affection usualy involved flirting in the beginning of the relashionship, still present since harry is the bold kind of lover, there's kisses, hugs, hand holding.
When your sick he's a mess, once he gets over his panic he makes sure you get better.
You do the same for him when he's sick, but when he is, it's hard to resist those puppy eyes when he asks for cuddles.

Male mal:

The public displays of affection is only when you are alone, but that was only in the begining of the relashionship, he grew confident and started sharing kisses, and hugs in public, hand holding and pecking you neck when a guy comes up to you, whcih was his way of tell them to back off your taken.
When mal is a dragon, you find it amazing.
Mal is happy you weren't completely terrified like most of the prissy pink princesses, but i guess he shouldnt be surprised since you were the daughter of hiccup and astrid haddock.
Your father untied the dragons and Vikings and after the vialllins and side kicks were rounded up along with the dragon hunters, you toke on your parents legacie along with your baby sister and brother.
But when mals sick, he believes he gets better faster when he's in his dragon form, which was true, and it makes it safer for you since he didn't want you to catch what he did.
You make sure he gets better.
When your sick, mal is there to help you get better, when your cold he helps warm you up, being a fairy that can shape shift into a dragon.
Mal is sort of the bold and romatic kind if lover.

Male uma:

Public displays of affection were a bit bold to say the least, kisses, hugs and hand holding were a way to show that yoy were umas, if they tried he will make them pay.
If you sick he makes sure he has harry or gil looking over you incase you needed everything.
When he's sick, you stay by him and take on his chores at the fish and chips.
Uma is the romatic kind of lover, with dramatic flare since he was a pirate.
But when there's cuddles, he his helpless, he can't get enough.


When it comes to public displays of affection, Doug is sweet.
I mean he is the son of doppey.
Kisses, hugs, hand holding you name it.
He loves to make you smile.
If your sick, he makes sure you get better and is comfertable.
When he's sick you do the same thing.
Doug is the spontaneous and sweet lover.
When there's cuddles he makes sureypur comfertable.

Male evie:

Pda, kisses, hugs, hand holding were just basic to him, he makes you specialized outfits, his way of tell you he loves you.
If your sick, he is the firm but fair kind of lover, he doesn't like it when you push yourself and do work.
You stop and he become the sweet lover and when he's sick, you understand why he was firm but fair, you make sure he gets better that's why you worried about him.
When you guys cuddle is when he has nightmare which was rare.

Chad charming:

Public displays of affection were allover the place, he bold and cocky.
He kissed you, hugs, and hand holding.
When there's cuddles he melts.
But when he's sick he's a pain, but you make sure to help him get better.
He does the same for you when he's sick.
When you cuddle he feels like he's dreaming.


Public displays of affection were rare in the beginning of your relashionship with jay, but he likes the hugs, kisses and handholding the most.
He feels safe in your arms, loved.
When he's sick your lay, made sure he rested, eat and toke medicine that might help.
He did the same when you were sick.
Jay became the adventures romantic, probably should of guessed when he found out jafar wasnet his real dad, original he toke the DNA test to find out who his mom was, which was Jasmine, and his dad was Aladdin.
Being adventures ran in his blood.

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