Prince Ben x reader part 3 Final

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(Uma's pov)

The sound of Bird chirping was what I was greeted with when my senses came back to me.
I smiled and opened my eyes to see the sun was beginning to rise because the morning sky was still, I was planning to go back to sleep when I heated the fimilar pattern of nocking.
I panicked when I heard Y/n groaning because I forgot Harry texted me that Ben planned to leave Y/n a present on her night stand before she woke up.
I turned to see if Y/n woken up and toke a breath of relief to see she just turned to sleep on her other side.
I rushed out of bed and slowly opened the door and I whispered to Harry and Ben, who was holding Y/n's present in his hands. Harry was here because if Melody woke up he could explain and keep her from spoiling the surprise.
"Shes alseep, so be careful".
Ben tip toed in and he placed the small parcel next to the rose and he toke a moment to look at Y/n. He smiled and carefully moved the piece of hair that fallen on her forehead and across her nose.
I smiled at the sight and Harry said softly.
"Ben, I hate to interrupt, but we got to go before she wakes up".
I elbowed Harry with an annoyed look on my face and he held in the gasp as Ben turned to us and he nodded sadly.
I then said softly and smiled .
"You'll see her again in four hours Ben I promise".
Ben lightly smiles and said softly turning to Y/n.
"I don't know if I could wait four hours,
(Y/n was resting peacefully like an angel and he smiled softly at her, he often saw her creative, brave, loyal and angry side when Audrey insulted Mal and Evie and me at family day during our first year.)
They already feel like four hours too many".

Harry and I nodded understanding him, we ourselves felt this way when we were apart. Harry wrapped his arm around my waist and Harry said whispering to me.
"Wait till he sees her in the dress".
Ben turned to us, confused because he didn't hear what Harry said.
I then said to Harry as I waved my hand, turning my fingertips into tentacles of a squid, squirting ink in his face so he could be bussy wiping the ink off his face, it also made him exit into the hallway, letting go of me.
"You are not helping".
I then said to Ben and I said walking forward.
"Think of it like this, it's just four more hours until your new life with her begins,
(I patted his shoulder and smiled as he did.)
What gets me through the time apart from Harry, is thinking of the moment we meet.
The four hours will just pass you by".
He nodded and y/n lightly groaned and shifted her body under the covers a little and I said as Ben quickly got up.
"Ah oh,
(I helped him to make sure that if y/n opened her eyes see that it was me and not spoil all of Ben's hard work.)
Hurry, she's waking up".
He got out and I closed the door and I turned to see Y/n doing her final tossing and turning before sitting up.

(Y/n's pov)

I rubbed my eyes and said confused as I was trying to figure out the noise going on around me.
"Um, what's going on"?
I opened my eyes to see Uma was up and I said softly.
She smiled and said rubbing her hands.
"Sorry, I stumbled over a package left for you.
(She guestered to my nightstand and I saw the small parcel and she said.)
Looks like it's from your secret Prince".
I narrowed my eye at her, but I stopped when I saw I wasn't going to get the truth from her.
I smiled and I picked it up and opened it.
I paused seeing congshell holding a simple gold chain bracelet with a sea mother of pearl and a Pandora dolphin charm.
I then said softly smiling, remembering when I saw this, and how I felt when the lady said they sold out when I came back.
"My bracelet"
I smiled and Uma said, smiling as she leaned over, pointing inside the congshell.
"There's something else inside".
I saw the note and pulled it out and I lfelr warmth spread through my chest.
🐬'I saw you looking at this and how sad you felt when it was sold out.
So I called in a favor with the supplier, it arrived early today this morning.
With all my love, your Prince.
Happy Valentine's Day'🐬.
I smiled and Uma patting my shoulder.
She then said.
"Now that we're both up, what do you say we go see if the others are awake and get some breakfast before getting ready for the festival".
I nodded and we quickly changed and I put on the bracelet.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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