Prince Ben x reader part 1

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(Y/n's Intro)
Once upon a time, not so long ago.
A mermaid and her seven friends were choosen to come to learn at Auradon Prep.
Prince Ben, choose these eight individuals to bring the people of Aurdaon and the residence of the isle of the lost together. His goal was so that the children of the Villians can have a chance to have a better life because after all they weren't their parents, they didn't ask them to be their parents. And Ben wasn't like his mother and father, then he had the dream, a vision of a better world were all were together. All started with the eight Vks, the beinging of a bright future, he didn't ecpect that he be bringing back the princess of Atlantica, and fall in love with her, the daughter of the little mermaid.
But he had a tiny problem, he didn't know how to tell the little mermaid that he loves her.
He wanted the moment he decides to tell her to be perfect.
So he went to the only people that could help him.
Harry Hook, the son Of Captian Hook, dreams of sailing the seas.
Gil, the son of Gaston (His fathers worset enemy and still hold a grudge, but working on it because he saw how what the little mermaid does in the young boy), wants to travel the world.
Jay, the son of Jafar, wants to travel the world with Gil.
Carlos, on of Cruella Devil, wants to be a vet.
Mal, the daughter of Maleficent, plans to be an artist.
Evie, the daughter of the Evil Queen, wants to be a fashionita .
And Uma, daughter of Ursala the sea witch, who plans to go into the world of medican.
He should of just went to the girls.
Hi, my name is Y/n, my mother's are Ursula and Ariel, my father is prince Eric and I have two sisters, Melody and Uma.
And this is how Ben, the boy of my dreams told me he loves me.

(Y/n's Pov)

My day started like it always does, I wake up with my blankets half on the floor and my body.
Then I get up, take a shower and then get dressed before going to my first class of the day.
Today was beautiful, the sky was clear, the sun was out, and the birds were singing.
And like usualy when the bell rings to signal the end of fourth period and the start of lunch my hands, arms and some of my face were covered with paint smudges.
I smiled and painted my signiture in the corner and then covered the painting so nothing happens to it before I showed Professor Rapunzel Fitzherbert.
then I remembered the paint on my skin as Miss Rapunzel spoke to the other students as they gatheirng their supplies to be put away.
"Great job everyone, you guys had really put some serious thought into your pieces as always".
She walked to be beside me and said smiling with a lightly laughter in her voice as she saw my scrubbing my face.
"Oh my, Y/n sweet heart.
( she lightly giggled, as i did to).
I see you got very foucesed again".
I smiled and said as she handed me a wet rag that was bubbly with soap and a dry rag.
"I just got so excited on where the piece was going that I couldn't push the brush down".
Once I was satified I got most of what I can now, I removed the tarp and waitied for her reaction.
Her eyes went as wide as a center piece dinner plate.

I was able to get the paint off my face and most of it off my arms and hands before both the rags were dirty

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I was able to get the paint off my face and most of it off my arms and hands before both the rags were dirty.
Rapunzel smiled and said patting my shoulder after I put both the rags in the bubbly sink to have them cleaned.
"Oh my,
( she held and shoulder and said softly.)
Its, its beautiful.
You have an amazing, bright and creative mind Y/n.
You should enter this for the contest for the Valentine's day festival that's happening in Tommorrow".
I turned around and asked confused.
"I thought the date for the entries passed"?
Rapunzel shock her head and said smiling.
"I had a feeling you wanted to enter so I made an exception.
(She put her hand on the easel and looked at me.)
I'm going to bring them to the judges while the students are at lunch so we'll annoucne the winner in time for tommorrow..
I could bring yours along if you like".
I smiled and said.
"Yeah I like that, thank you miss Rapunzel".
She smiled and said.
"Please Y/n call me Punzie, were freinds, not just student and teacher".
I smiled and said after putting the apron away and grabbed my book bag.
"Right, Ill see tommorrow Punzie and have a good lunch".
She waved bye to me as I exited the room and I walked towards my designated locker area.
Wiping the rest of the paint that remained on my arms and on my palms.
Harry put his right arm around my shoulders and said smiling.
"Hello Y/n".
I then said smiling while foucesing on cleaning my arms.
"Hi Harry".
Mal was leaning against my locker with her girlfriend Evie beside her.
Uma was with them and she teased as she saw my cleaning the last of the paint remnants off my hands.
"Did you mistaken your arms and hands for a pallet or something"?

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