Soulmate Au (King Ben)

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(((King Ben x reader part 1)))

(Y/n's pov)
The moment I came home to Hades hide out to see dad holding the scroll I got from King Ben's messengers, I felt like I was in the dog house.
My white three headed dog Alex, Alexandra and Alexis turned their heads to see me.
Tounges sticking out coming over happily.
I then said as dad looked at me, with my head down.
"I didn't except the invitation if that's why your holding it dad".
Cerberus lifted one of her three heads to look at me.
Since she is the biggest dog with three heads, she's taken to guarding me and my father like she would in the underworld.
He then said closing it.
"And why"?
I sighed and said looking up at him.
"Cause people will be scared at the sight of me.
(I looked two my dog, the usually abrasive head nudged my hand and looked sad at me as i lightly scratched behind her ears.)
I didn't want to leave you, Hadie, Cerberus, Alex, Alexandra and Alexis behind.
(I got on my neeks to pet my dog.)
Besides here, I feel almost normal".
Dad then said calmly, looking at me kindly .
"Hey look at me y/n.
(I did and he said.)
I would never be mad at you for having your chance at happiness.
You know why?
(He pointed to a picture of mal i toke while i tried to stop my step mother maleficent from crashing King Bens coronation.
I didn't like how that place made me feel after everyone was unfrozen so i went back to the isle.)
Mal's there remember, so you won't be alone and.
(He moved my sleeve of my used Dracula cape, surprisingly in good condition.

(He moved my sleeve of my used Dracula cape, surprisingly in good condition

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Plus you know he'll be there.
(I sighed and moved my sleeve back down.
The only way he would know it's me was if he saw my tattoo glow when i was just a few steps from him.

The only way he would know it's me was if he saw my tattoo glow when i was just a few steps from him

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Hey, your a goddess.
And goddess's-".
I finished that sentence.
"Don't back down".
He then said holding a strand of my blond hair.
"You have your mother's magic and my powers y/n.
Your a Hades so take no crap from anyone".
I then looked to my dog and said.
"But what about Alex, Alexandra and Alexis"?
Dad then said pointing to the scroll.
"Its in the scroll honey, you can bring her with you.
Hadie is bringing percy after he comes back from taking him on a walk".
I then said looking at dad.
"What about you"?
He smield and said.
"We'll see each other when you come to visit.
Plus i got Cerberus to keep me company.
(He turned to the big dog in the room.)
Ain't that right old girl"?
All three of her heads barked, the volume and the command louder than im used to.
So i covered my ears.
Dad patted Cerberus on the friendliest head and said.
"That's my girl.
(Dad turned to me and said.)
Now go pack, i got to send this to the post office.
The limo picking you and your brother up should be here in an hour after hadie comes back".
I then said as i looked at my dog who's tail is wagging in excitement.
"Well looks like I need to make a few wardrobe choices".
Alex barked first, Alexis and Alexandra followed.
(Time skip)
Once i closed my second suit case full of dog accessories i heared hadie come in.
I then said looking at my younger twin.
"About time".
Hadie then said seeing my bags.
"So your actually coming"?
I then said after rubbing his hair.
"And let you have all the fun"?
He laughed and dad came back and said seeing my bags.
"Are you sure you got everything"?
I then said.
"One suit case is for Alex, Alexandra and Alexis".
Hadie then said.
"Girls and their accessories".
I then said said to hadie.
"You sometimes where folders in your hair mister bad boy".
He then said looking at me .
"That different, i don't fly her my room with old nicknacks".
I then said firing back my hair flaming blue.
"At least i pick them up"!
Dad then said after me and hadie laughed.
"You two ill never understand.
(A honk sounded through out our family moment and everything went quiet.)
Well, that's your ride".
I then said as i hugged my father.
"We're going to miss you dad".
I let go and went to Cerberus while hadie said goodbye to dad.
I then said as i lightly hugged Cerberus's three noses since it was the best I could do since she was full grown.
"Protect our dad for us cerby".
She whimpered at me and i said after mine and hadie dogs came back from saying goodbye to their mom.
"You'll see her again guys".
Me and hadie got our dogs on their leashes.
Dad then said stopping us.
"Before you go, i have something to give you both".
Dad came back with two items, his Amber with its charging station, and moms enchanted bracelet she used to grow certain things.
Dad gave the bracelet to hadie since he toke after our mother the most.
He said as hadie looked shocked to see it.
"Your mother would want you to have this.
(Dad came to me with the ember.)
And i can't think of anyone else, besides your brother and sister, that can handle the powers of my Amber with care.
(I could feel the little power the amber contained under the barrier and he said.)
It's got a bit of a kick once it's out from under the barrier so becareful y/n".
I then said hand closed around it.
"I promise dad".
The honking began and hadie said.
"See you soon dad".
We left the lair and dad said as we walked up to the limo.
"Say hi to your mother for me guys".
The doors to the limo opened and i said happily seeing our half baby sister.
She smiled and said as i hugged her.
"Told ya guys i bring you to auradon".
Hadie then said.
"Yeah you did baby sister".
She then said.
"This baby can literally turn you into barbuque".
I then said during inbetween them.
"Not that i love this sibling reunion, but we got to go".
We got in and our dogs layed down due to the colors of the variety of treats in the back.
I then said rubbing their heads as they wimpered.
"Oh i know girls, it's something we're going to have to get you used to".
Mal then said as Percy was growling at the treat bar and layed next to my dog.
"They gotten alittle bit bigger since i last saw them".
I then said.
"They are Cerberus's puppies".
Mal then said seeing as i kept my left arm covered.
"So you going to keep your jacket on or "?
I then said looking at her.
"Or nothing, you know how i feel about this.
(I sighed as my heart heated at finally meeting him properly.)
Besides, soulmate or not, he can find and do better than the goddess of the underworld".
Hadie and mal shook their heads as i watched the limo drive over the water separating the isle from auradon.
Once we left the barrier the Amber's power multiplied.
My hair flashed up and i put it out just as fast.
I then said as I saw Hadie's new bracelet glowed.
"Dad did say the Amber will have a kick.
(I looked to hadie worried, not knowing how powerful mother's bracelet was.)
How do you feel hadie you okay"?
He then said flecking his hand.
"I understand now why mom didn't wear this often it's itchy".
I rolled my eyes at him and said.
"Not funny dude you scared me for a second".
Mal then said rummaging from her purse.
"Oh, i forgot.
(She held two items.
A cologne and a perfum.)
I remember you two saw the adds for these and always looked for these when the boat comes.
Only to find empty bottles".
I then said remembing what me and hadie used them for.
"They do make great paint brush holders".
I looked at my bag remembering i packed all four bottles i have.
Mal handed me mine and hadie his.
I then said looking at the full bottle.
"New gossip".
Mal then encouraged us.
"Put some on".
I spray mine once.
My dog looked up and tail wagged.
I rubbed some on my wrists and held my wrist to her noses.
She barked happily and i lightly sprayed her.
Hadie doing the same for Percy.
Mal then said.
"So, we have individual rooms made for you to your liking.
Assuming your tastes haven't changed".
I then asked as the limo stopped.
She then said as she got out.
"The vks and I along with King Ben".
Me and hadie looked at one another when mal mentioned Ben's name.
Hadie knew who my soulmatw was judging from my tattoo alone.
He'll back up my play if i wasn't ready to admit to Ben that i knew he was ment for me.
'Hey im y/n my hobbies consist of painting and wood burning with my bear fingers and i love my three head dog to pieces want to date'?
A lot of people on the isle scattered when me and hadie enter into view with our canines in tow.
There's no reason that would change here.
But the moment me and hadie exited with our dog people cheered for us, instead of screaming in fear and running away.
My hair being blond like my mother complemented the blue eyes i also inhertaed from her.
But when i was ever in a mood i looked like my father.
Hadie inherited the blue hair and yellow eyes.
Only he got dad's blue eyes when ever he was calm.
His eyes like mine only flashed yellow to intimidate people when we didn't want to be bothered, or scare away potential muggers.
As i looked at ben breathing seemed to be something of the past, but i forced my self to exhale and acted like the knowing my tattoo glowed but nobody can see it didn't get to me.
He had his covered so chances are that he won't check if i don't give myself away.
I'm not ready, what if he rejected me, i seen how dad was when mom left when i was just three years old before Ben's father ordered all villains, their sidekicks and their children to live on the isle.
He was never the same again even after he met my step mother who fear me and my brother cause our mothers magic worked on the isle.
The theory was that since our mother wasn't trapped with us our magic could work as long as she was free.
We grew fresh food for everyone to keep what peace there was among the people to keep tentions from rising.
We made living life on the isle a little bit more bearable.
We taught some people how to mind their gardens without us incase we were ever chosen for the exchange program at auradon.
But we're definatly going to make sure to help grow thing on the isle on our visits back to see our father.
Fairy godmother came forward and smiled at us.
"Welcome to auradon prep mister and miss Hades".
I saw the coach and i backed up in fear.
Our father didnt leave a good impression on or extended family.
But Hercules seemed to smile in reassurance.
My dogs threw heads growled thinking fairy godmother was to close for my comfert.
I tugged her leash stopping her andi said looking at fairy god mother.
"Sorry about that, it's just overwhelming to see herulces and our extended family".
A voice i thought i never hear since she left said coming over.
"Well your my kids too honey.
(We looked at our mother and she said golding her arms out.)
No hug"?
Hadie ran into her arms and when he left i slowly walked to her and hugged her.
A tear falling from my eyes.
She said feeling how i did.
"I know it'll take a long time for you to forgive me sweet heart.
(She pulled back and said hand on my cheek.)
But im proud of the strong independant woman you become".
My dog barked for her attention and mom said smiling.
(She then looked at Percy and said to me and hadie.)
Looks like you guys take after your father when it comes to pets".
I then said as my hands glowed blue with flames.
"We have his powers to.
He says hi by the way".
She then said smiling.
"Thank him for me when you see him again.
I know you guys have his power honey, i was there when you first used fire magic.
(She laughed and said.)
Your father was holding you so close to his face you got ash everywhere".
I blushed and said coming into myself.
"I was a few months old".
Ben then said gaining our attention.
"Your class schedules will be in your rooms along with everything you need".
He then said holding his hand out to my brother first.
"Its nice to met mal's older sibilings".
I thdn said as he held his hand to me, making up and excuse on the fly since i was holding the amber in my other hand that wasn't holding the leash.
"I love to shack your hand but this is alittle bit unpredictable".
Ben look saddened thst i would shack his hand, bit recovered as he said smiling.
"Of course, now would you two like the tour"?
I then said after my stomic grumbled.
"Um maybe we should settle in first".
Mom then said coming behind me and hadie, hands on our shoydlers.
"There's this amazing restaurant you'll both love.
Ill gladly order in for you guys and your cute dogs".
I then said.
"Hadie's dog is name Percy.
My is Alex, Alexandra and Alexis".
Mom then said smiling at me.
"Each name for each head,
Now let's go oblige garden gets pretty crowded and the lines can get long".
To be continued....

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