Male mal x reader part 1

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(Y/n's pov)
When Ben picked 4 more kids to come to auradon Every one wondered who they are since Ben, my adoptive brother decided to keep it a surprise.
I sighed as i worked on my welcome sign.
Mal then said watching me work on my master piece.
"Your really putting alot of thought into your sign".
I then said looking at her.
"This is the first time he kept, anything a secret from me".
Mal smiled and said hugging me.
"Trust me you'll like this surprise-".
I then said as i looked to the mini backpack that was surprisingly in good condition.
"Its not just Ben keeping who he picked a secret".
Mal then said smiling as she picked up my night and light fury spilt mini.
"Oh i get it, you miss my twin brother".
I then said blushing sheepishly.
"Don't judge me".
She then said hugging me.
"I'm not, I'm happy .
For you and Markus.
You two really connected when you guys met.
Markus never given anyone his mini backpack to anyone.
Wouldn't let me touch it".
I raised my eyebrow and said surprised.
Remembering Markus in a whole different light.
"That was his"?
I held it gingerly and she nodded and said.
Markus was the only one that had magic working on the isle.
Only he could change into a dragon".
I then said remembering the nickname she called him by.
"So that's why you called him draco.
It's Latin for dragon".
She nodded and said.
"You remember you telling me you were saved from falling by a purple dragin.
You thought it was me".
I nodded and said, shuddering at the memory.
I'll tell you one thing ill never stand on that building ever again".
She then said.
"Good cause you gave me a heart attack.
Your like the little sister i always wanted".
I smiled and said.
"Well technically we will be when you and Ben get married".
She then said as i opened my journal.
"Love is family blood is who your related to.
(A drawling of my dad hiccup, mother Astrid and my little siblings zeypher and nuttfink showed.
I'm the only viking left from the old days.
Why because I wasn't carefull and frozen in ice with my nightlight dragon sapphire.)
Thought you arent related to ben by blood he loves you like a sister.
So do i".
My dragon yawned and i said as she shook to wake up.
"Morning sleepy head".
She then stretched and walk over and looked at my sign.
Tilting her head at seeing the word welcome, but that was the only thing on the sign, nothing else.
I then said.
"Any ideas"?
She pressed her nose on my journal and i said pointing to the cover.
"Add dragons"?
She nodded and i said as i started sketching.
"Thanks sapphire".
I held the journal to mal and said as she looked at it.
"She also wants to see the picture of her family".
Mal then said smiling as she flipped a page.
"It's almost like you can read her mind".
I then said knowing I could understand her cause my dad taught me.
I speak dragonish".
She then said astonished.
"That's why you can understand me in my other form.
Along with Markus.
Who taught you"?
I then said flipping a page and pointed my dad.
"My dad.
He was the only one that could beside me.
It was the last thing he taught me before I flew on sapphire when I was 8".
Mal then said looking at me.
"You were frozen in ice when you were 8"?
I then said finishing my sketch.
"The land was different during the era of Vikings.
And I wanted so badly to be a dragon rider.
I didn't know where i was going".
She then said.
"Why didn't Ben tell me"?
I then said.
"Cause I asked him.
Alot of people look at me enough knowing that I'm supposedly 3017 years old.
People tend to freak when they find out how young me and sapphire were when we froze".
I then said grabbing my markers.
"And if people knew all we'll get is pity".
Mal then said seeing my dad's signature on the journal.
"This was his".
I nodded and i said missing Markus.
"My dad always said I'll meet the one.
Guess he didn't know it be after I was brought out of a 3009 year ice coma".

To be continued...

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