Where you met

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King Ben:

You met Ben at the library, it was on one of his rare days off.
He saw you and was in shock, you the daughter of Queen Anna and King Kristoff of Arendelle were in a library.
He only ever greeted you when you transfered her with your father's reindeer as a support animal since you were kind of shy.
He saw you trying to reach for another book and he came over to help.

Beast ben:
You only ever saw Ben mildly upset, but never as a beast.
You were a worried when you heared a roar came from his office after he sent his hairs to ask Aurdry of her demands.
You found him and he was scared you run from him.
But you stayed and he went to you, you could see the splinter a mile away and you knew it got to hurt.
So you pulled it out and he was like a kitten until Jane came with the water from the enchanted lake.

Prince Ben:
He greeted you at the gate when you transfered to Auradon.
Alot more brighter than Berk, and green since its not winter.
Your father's dragon toothless, which your father insists you bring, likes Ben, which was something caude he didn't really like most of the boys of berk, well boys that weren't your brother nuttfink.
You didn't have a dragon of your own, but toothless has taken that position for you since he's friends with your dad.
Ben fell for you hard, and sin e then your friendship after a few weeks blossomed into love.

Carlos de vil:
The pet store, you were geting a puppy, a cocker spaniel and you ran intp Carlos who was buying dude some necessities.
You only ever seen Carlos on campus, but we're to shy to talk to him.

The garden.

Male Aurdery:
Family friend.

Where else, where he works along with uma at Ursula's fish and chips.

Male mal:
You meet Mal in art class, you really like art, since you often see you dad hiccup doodle when he had free time, heeven taught you how.
You toke every art class they gave avaible here.
When you complimented of mals piece that's when he fell for ypu, not many of the students here liked him cause of who his mother is, but to see you unafraid and amazed at him he was beyond happy.
Both of your styles of painting is similar but different.
To say your father was shocked to see Mal as your boyfriend would of putting it mildly.
But your mother how mal made you happy and accepted him.
Infact she saw what you did, the adventures spirit.
Same thing she saw in hiccup your dad.

Male uma:
Your mother's had history, but your mom and his were willing to put what ever they had against one another aside for both your sacks.
Uma fell for you the moment he saw you, you have your father's eyes but your mother's hair, your big sister though had your fathers hair and mothers eyes.
Your tail is blue like your grandmas on your mother's side of the family so your grandpa says.
Melody your big sister didn't want the throne, so you were next in line once your grandfather abdicate.

ut ima didn't like you because your next in line.

You were snow whites daughter, you knew Doug because the seven dwarfs are over at your home so much they live there.
Incase anything happened to your parents, snow White made the seven dwarfs your god father's.
You and Doug fell for you the moment he saw you.

Male evie:
You came in to get a dress tailored by him, you heared so much from your cousin Annie, who has powers like you do because your mother Elsa and aunt Anna saved the enchanted forest.
You had ice magic, just like your mom and dad Elsa and Jack frost.
When he saw you his heart was a flutter.
He made your dress more special than any of his other customers.

Since blue is your favorite color, he made sure he got his hands on every shade of blue he could

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Since blue is your favorite color, he made sure he got his hands on every shade of blue he could .
Once it was done he told you how he left, and you told him the same, you guys then began to date and when it was time for the event you wanted the dress for, he met your parents and they were amazed at him, he made your dress and in your favorite color.
Your parents knew you weren't like the other girls your age, they lile pink, you lile blue and playing good jokes.
Your more of a tom boy than girly to be honest.
But when they saw tour dress they almost didn't recognise you.
They saw Evans kind heart and tjey noticed he made your dress look like your favorite animal, a butterfly.

Chad charming:
You are fairy godmother oldest daughter, and you were blessed by your mother's friends with beauty when you were born.
You look like the actress from the princess diaries.
Only you have your father's blue eyes.

You met Jay when he joined the fencing team.
You were an exception to the team because pf your skill, the couch bended the rules for you cause of your skill.
Your mom, mulan was very proud when she saw you won your first match.
Little sister Lonnie cheering when you trained with Jay.
Your mother and father though saw what was growing between you two once they saw him.

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