Prince Ben x reader part 4 final

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(Y/n's pov)

Once in the air i felt free,but since we came from the isle of the lost, we had to stay close to the premises of the campus.
I then said as i noticed some students are out and watching.
They clapped at the most basic tricks we did and i said to d/n.
"Hey d/n You want to try that trick our fathers did"?
She shuddered, and that ment she was nerves even thinking it.
I then said rubbing her neck.
"Hey i know your worried we might get hurt.
But i trust you, and you trust me.
That's why we work amazing together.
We're not just friends d/n, we're sisters from different father's and mothers.
(D/n looked at me and i said hgging her.)
The minute everything goes wrong i know you are there to save me.
We won't try it again without practice.
I trust you".
D/n then smiled and flew higher so that if things did go wrong early in the stunt, the wind will catch me incase d/n couldn't.
I then said as i unhooked myself from the saddle.
"Okay, ready"?
She stilled and i saw the people gathered, and i stilled and leaned to my left.
D/n and i fallen and the wind beaten against our faces.
I heared music playing.
I noticed the magic,the green magic.
Mal must have saw the stunt we were going to pull.

'Let the wind carry us.
To the clouds, hurry up, alright
We can travel so far
As our eyes can see'.

Me and d/n twirled around each other in the air.

I got close to her and we looked at each other.
D/n gave me her gummy smile and her tounge stocked out and it flapped in the wind.

'We go where no one goes
We slow for no one
Get out of our way'.

We both moved a small distance away from eachother and i opened my flight suit at the right moment.
Once i did, d/n opened her wings and the wind pushed us up and the student clapped.

'Awake in the sky
We break up so high, alright
Let's make it our own,
Let's savor it.

(I dived and stopped so d/n can go below to catch me so i can land on her back.)

We go where no one goes
We slow for no one
Get out of our way.

(I then attached myself to d/n and the student body clapped louder.
I saw the vks i also saw ben.
And in the distance, mine and bens parents.
I stilled and knew i might be in trouble.)

We slow for no one
We go where no one goes

We slow for no one

We go where no one goes

(We landed and the last line played.)

We go where no one goes'.
I got off d/n and the vks ran to me including Ben.
Mal then said hugging me.
"Y/n You didn't tell me you could do air acrobatics"!?
I then said pointing to the suit.
"Why do you think the suit was made for warmth".
Evie then said walking around me looking at my outfit.
"This is ingenious, who made this"?
Ben then said and i guess judging by his smile, he knew i was blushing under my mask.
"Probably her father hiccup, he did invent the flight suit.
(Ben came over and said as he removed my mask.)
Why didn't you tell me you and d/n could do tricks"?
I then said.
"I didn't know how to broach it really.
How can i say hey, my favoirte hobbies are drawing and dragon riding.
(Ben laughed and i said relaxing.)
I didn't know dragon riding was a sport here so-".
Ben then said.
"It more like a sport that comes annually to auradon since it originated in berk, but yeah i understand, i didn't mention the sport, i should of cause I wish i knew you had this gift before hand.
I'm glad i saw the show you are amazing".
He lift me up and spun me around and i blushed.
Mom came over once i was back on my feet, said.
"She gets the acrobatics from her father.
(I looked to mom, so did the others.)
Before he became cheif, three years older than y/n is now.
(She pointed to me and said.)
Although im glad you did this safely as possible, don't scare us like that again.
(I nodded and mom said.)
He would rid toothless and do tricks over open sea's, and unlike what happened here, he often almost got hurt".
I rub my neck, that's right the tricks we did based on our fathers story's often ended in toothless haveing to rescue my father.
I then said feeling hungry and d/n's stomic grumbled.

"Why, this flight has made me hungry.
Why don't we all get some food?
Odin only knows how hangry d/n  get when she miss a meal ".
Ben lead us away from my mom and we sat at a table.
The vks saved our seats and ben said as we walked back with trays of food.
"So i was wondering if your free, we maybe go on a date"?
I paused and i said looking st him.
"A date?
(I shock my head and smiled at ben and said catching up.)
Yeah i love to go on a date".
Ben then smiled and said seeing my smile.
"Good ill pick you up later okay,
You like to swim"?
I then said looking at him.
"I um, don't know how but i like to learn".
He then said.
(He pecked my cheek and said.)
I can't wait".
Once at the table we eat.
Once lunch was over i ask mal and evies help.
They did and once i was in my one piece swim suit.
I put on my black leather jacket and shorts.
Ben was at the door and he said smiling.
"Wow, now i understand the difference between beauty and truly beautiful".
I blushed and we went on our date.
Once at the enchanted laks we eat before we swam.
Ben scared me when i didn't see him come up so i jumped in.
He helped me out when I inhale water we he came up to me and scared me.
I coughed water and he helped me.
I then said looking at him.
"Don't ever do that to me ever again".
He then said.
" You came after me".
I then said looking at him.
"Of course i did Ben, i.
(i then said it.)
I love you Ben".
I coughed a bit and he patted my back.
He then said as he moved my head to look at him.
"Hey, i love you to".
He kissed me again.

After our date, came family day.

I dressed in a little blue top and jeans with navey sneakers.
Ben called me and i went over.
Ben said as he introduced me to his parents who had their mouths a gaped.
"Mom, dad this is my girlfriend".
I waved my hand and d/n cleared her throat.
I then said parting d/n's head.
"And this is d/n my best dragon friend".
Ben's dad came out of the shock first and said.
"Welcome to the family y/n and d/n.
Why don't you and your parents join us for lunch".
I then said looking to my vk friends.
"Can my friends join us"?
Ben's mom then spoke.
"Of course the more the merrier right"?
Ben then said asking his parents.
"Actually can they join us for cro-kay "?
Ben's dad placed a hand on my shoulder and said.
"Of course".
We walked to the cro-kay field abd my father didn't seem to like that i was dating.
But mom aparently reminded him he was younger when he and mom started dating.
But Chad got in the way and i said getting infront of my friends.
"Hey, you got a problem with my friends you have a problem with us.
(D/n growled and Chad back up.)

You used evie to do your work.
She has more honor than youll ever have".
Chad looked down and i said to the vks.
"Lunhc is about to start and guess what, bens parents and mine are sitting together.
And i want you to join us".
Mal then said holding evies hand, jay and Carlos smiled.
"We love to".
After that the day went off without a hitch.
Ben's corotaion started and then Jane toke the wand.
Malifecnet came and now d/n and i have just landed after getting maleficent outside for mal to turn her into a lizard.
I said as we all got back inside.
"How is she so small"?
Fairy godmother unfrozen explained it was because she shrunk to the size of love in her heart.
She unfroze everyone and ben roared.
I stopped him and he held me to him.
He asked after pecking my lips.
"You okay"?
I nodded, d/n got inbetween us and ben pet her and said.
"You okay d/n"?
She nodded and ben said looking at me.
"Next time let me save you".
I then said.
"Okay deal".
Dad cleared his throat and ben said drilling.
"Mister haddock-".
Dad lifted his hand and said.
"If you hurt her I'll send toothless after you dp you understand"?
Ben just closed his mouth and nodded.
Mom then saod looking at me.
"Y/n your all grown up, first victory and everything.
(She wipped a stray tear away.)
Oh this I'm going to cry".
I smiled and dad said smiling upon seeing my cap.
"And not only that, she is a Viking".
Ben then said holding me to him.
"A hero".
I then said as ixwalked to the vks with d/n.
"We all are".
Ben smiled and joined us.
My parents smiled and all of auradon cheered.
Oh boy, what a day.
I turned to look at my friends, d/n and then at ben.
I layed my head on his shoulder and smiled.
The best day of my life.

Thee end.

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