How you met

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King Ben:

You met him when he choose you and four other vks to come to auradon.
Why he choose five instead of choosing four was beyond you, but you didn't care, as long you were off that blasted island, that was all that mattered to you.
You had your blue hood up, which casted a shadow over your face and no one could clearly see if you were a boy or girl.
Ben walked up to you and ypu looked up and ben was shocked to see your sticking blue eyes, not only that you had pure white hair and were paler that a ghost.
With a thin layer of purple eye shadow and pink lip gloss.
You didn't have blush on your cheeks were slightly red cause of your powers.
Your hands were in the pockets of your woven out hoodie, and a staff in the loop of your arm.
Ben imeaditly knew you were jack frost and Elsa daughter but he needed a DNA test to prove it but when you toke off your hood and you stared at Ben, everyone gasped.
You then said.
(You looked around and said to everyone.)
Take a picture it'll last longer".
Ben then spoke.
"Im so sorry you just, do you know j-".
You cut him off.
"Jack frost?
Yeah he's my dad.
(Ben was shocked.)
Pitch drowned on and on why I was taken, to get back at jack frost.
Other wise know as nightlight.
I don't care who my parents are king Ben, I'm just happy to be off that blasted isle".
Ben didn't want to offend you and he saw the ice thickening on your staff which ment you were geting annoyed.
He then lead you to your room and you didn't spare him another glance.
Which unsettled Ben, everyday for the past few weeks he tried to speak to you, but he didn't look at him.
You were gone the moment he enters a room.
Your parents wanted to see you but Ben told them what happened.
Elsa cried and Jack was frozen, then he left cause he didn't want to accidently freeze Ben into a ice statue.
When Ben finally got to speak to you, it was when you were looking at your reflection on the lake.
"What you looking at"?
Was what he said and you replied.
"My reflection, but i also see another face in it".
Ben then said.
"Look, y/n im sorry I asked you if you knew who your father was, but you got to know, they never stopped lookong for you.
Your their daughter.
How could they knowing their baby was out there"?
You sighed and said.
"But they didn't look all over know did they, because of that blasted barrier".
Ben then said.
"And for that i apologize, my parents i guess didn't think that pitch blacks grudge would go so far as to kidnapping an infant.
Instead of fixing the mistake, they were to scared to send the guards to, well to get you back".
You looked at him and Ben contiued.
"They have been trying to find a way for years but none seemed to be safe for both the person they might send or you.
Until now.
(Ben looked to you.)
You here now and Jack and Elsa, want to see their baby girl who grew up a strong independent woman".

You then said.
"Are, are they here"?
Ben smiled and nodded and held his hand out for you to take.
You did and you walked to the garden were jack was pacing and Elsa was siting down.
Once there they looked up and you removed your hood and said.
"Mom, dad "?
They siad quietly.
You flew to them and hugged them both.
You had your parents back and you are safe.
You smiled to Ben and after that Ben asked you out.

Beast ben:

When you met beast ben was when you were looking for Ben because he ran out stressed, you didn't know it was your boyfriend until you saw his brown eyes.

Prince ben:

You were picked to come along with mal, evie, Jay and Carlos.
Ben looked everywhere in auradon for his soul mate but aparently you were on the isle of the lost, once in auradon Ben wanted to give you everything, but he knew he had to table his emotions and excitement to see you cause you only just meet.

Carlos de vil:

Your brother picked five vks, to come over, the fifth was your brothers soul mate, and carlos was one of the five and he was your soul mate.


You meet him after your future sister in law mal brought down the barrier on the isle of its lost permantly.

Male Aurdery:

You were a princess, you met adrian at auradon prep, it was hard  not know him.


You were apart of uma's crew, but you never spoke to hook cause you valued your life and you didn't want to be used as shark bait.
But harry noticed you and said hello and flirted with you.

Male mal:

Your big sister choose him for two reasons, one cause of her proclamation, two cause he was your soulmate.
When you first locked eues mal knew he couldn't steal the wand, he knew he was safe, so was his friemds, he just wanted to protect you.
Funny how plans change woth a single look.

Male uma:

Aurdry was loss and cursing people, uma helped your future sister in law and that was how you met.
He protected you the most from the blunt force of auradys magic.
He was helping cause he wanted to be closer to you.


You were the daughter of snow white, you known Doug since you were little.

Male evie:

When you meet Evan was when he came to dragon hall with his twin sister, you being the daughter of cruella, you were with your brother we you both meet evie and her brother.

Chad charming:

You were neighboring kingdoms, your mother and his mother thought it be a good idea to set you to up to be family.
Not knowing how much you two disliked eachother at the time, until you both grew up and grew crushes on each other.
Both your past times was complaint about the other to your parents.
But when you both relaised you had crushes on the other, the complaining turned to aw of one another.


You meet him when he went to the University of hood wood, hood wood was named after robin Hood your father, you meet jay by acidently bumping into him.

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