Chapter 16

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I wake up, today is the last day of school! I step out of my bed onto the cold hardwood floor. I walk downstiars, "Hi Honey" my mom says. "Hey mommy" i say back. I open the stainless steel refridgerator, and recieve a cool splash of air onto my warm un-awake face. I reach my hand in and get the plastic dish of fruit. I scoops out a big bowl, and eat it before heading upstairs. I walk into paiges room, and see her wearing a pink strapless dress, with a blue silk belt , its from abercrombie i can tell. She has her hair curled, and she has on gray flipflops, "paigey mack you look beautiful" i say. "Thanks" she says. I walk into my room and put on gray high waist sailor shorts, and a red short sleeve bandea top from hollister, (like a dance bra top but wearable in public), i also put on gray strappy sandels, and walk into the bathroom. I curl my hair, and put in a braid, but like curly. I walk downstairs, my mom says to grab somthing to cover up myslef cause its a little cold, i get a white cut sleeve wool coverup. I grab my tote bag and head out the door, nick texts me that hes gonna pick me up so i play with my dog for about 3 minutes and then hop into his mercades.

"You look a-amazing today" he says, i blush a little and say, "you too" i say admiring his white kaki shorts, and burgandy colored tee shirt. We drive to school talking about little things here and there.

We pull up for the last day until our senior year. I hop out of his car, and we walk into school together. I get to my locker and kiss him on his cheak, i get my stuff out of my locker, we hang out, watch movies, have icecream, and play kickball.

Nick and i ride home, we kiss each other, and then i head inside we are meeting for yogurt at 4:00, then going to the park.

We meet for yogurt, and have a wonderful time at the park we see mackenzie and maddie with there friend jessie but we walk pastthem, i have no desire for them after the whole paige thing. We walk back to my house, nick asks, "do yah maybe wanna idk if you want to but come over to my house tommarrow sence its our 2nd to last day in pittsburg" he asks, "sure that sounds lovely, wanna maybe idk go to the ppol too" i ask, he says sure. "Hey maybe we can invite like idk claudia, or rhyleigh and her boyfriend, or josh or paige" i ask, "how about paigey mack and chlobird, and josh" he asks, "sure sounds like a date" i say, i kiss him on the cheak when we get to the porch. I wave goodbye and he drives off.

I text chlobird and ask paige and josh if they wanna come, they all say sure and will meet us at the pool at 12:00.

I walk upstairs and watch the replay of dance moms at nationals, i fall asleep at about 10:00.


I wake up at around 9:30 to blasting of justin beiber lyrics in paiges room. I walk in there and yell at them to shutup. I walk downstiars and sit at the bar stools along the island. My mom puts a plate of 2 pancakes, and 3 slices of bacon in front of me. I say thankyou, and eat my food oh so pleasently. After breakfast, i head upstairs and put on dark denium shorts, and a tanktop, with my blue bikini on underneath. I walk downstairs and tell paige, josh, and chloe that its time to go. I grab my towel and beach kinda bag and we walk to nicks.

When we get there nick is sitting on the coach in his red swim shorts, and a white tee shirt over his hot abbs. "Hey wanna start walkin" i say, "sure lets go babe" he says. We all start walking down to the community pool, when we get there a bunch of little kids are in the kiddy pool which is about 3 feet deep. We jump in the pool, and then i lay down on the blow up bed thingy. We swim and nick and i have romantic little times. We head over to the snack shack at around 5:30, i text my mum that we are going to there for dinner. I get a double deluxe burger and share it with nick, tommarrow is our last day in pittsburg wow has time flew bye. We walk back to nicks and watch the voice and then he drives us home. When we pull up josh and the girls run inside, and thank him before leaving. I grab his shirt and kiss him, i stroke is face, and kiss him passioetly. I pull away and hop out, thankhim, and then say i love you goodnight. I head upstairs and quickly fall asleep. Goodnigh nick

The Love Story ♡ [b.m.h.]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora