Chapter 19

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"SIT DOWN" the man screams, i look back and my mom tried to get up but just couldnt make it that far. The man comes up to me and takes me into a head lock. "Take me, not her" nick screams. I struggle but he has a gun at my head, what should i do. He takes me into the front of the plane. We go twords were the pilot is driving. "How much time" the man says, in a furious tone. "10 minutes" the pilot says, in terror. He walks me back to were everyone is sitting. "Listen up, if anyone attempts to do anything, move seats, hide somthing, get up, ill kill her and her little love in the front" the man says, im crying.

The man sits me back down next to nick, thankgod, i hug him so tight. He kisses me lightly on the head, and observes the choking mark on my neck. He starts to cry, tear by tear down his face. I curl up into nicks hsoulder, the airport! I nodd my head so nick sees that im nudging him to look. He looks over and gives a big smile. I hear a bumb and we land, THANK GOD, but everyone isnt safe yet......

One man grabs nick, one man grabs me. They bolth have us at gunpoint, and in head locks, nicks is ofcourse tighter. He leads everyone off the plane, one by one with there bags. But still has nick and i. Then everything goes blank.........

"BROOKE NOOOOOO STAY WITH ME PLEASE, I LOVE YOU" nick yells, im gasping for air, the guy nearly chked me to death. Nick takes me in his arms, and runs off the plane, without the men looking. He sprints for the doors, we make it. When we approach inside i satrt to cry, my lungs are caving in, i can barely breathe. "BROOKE" everyone yells, running in. Paige, chloe, everyone huggs me so tight. Abby comes up to me and hugs me in a bear hug of course. "Hi mommy!" I yell, running up too her. She squeezes me soooo tight. "Nick thankyou" my mom says. She hugs him tight, i say "nick you are my knight in shinning armor" i say, kissing him on the cheak. The FBI take nick and i over to the first aid, to check us out. Nick and i are perfectly fine, THANKGOD! Nick and i hold hands as we make our way to baggage claim. We then take a taxi to the boarding dock to the disney cruise. Paige and chloe hug me soo tight, then nick and i get out of the taxi. We get our bags, and head to checkin, and boarding.

"Passports, tickets, and passes please" the lady says. We are at a special checkin for entertainment, and staff. "Abby Lee Dance Company, here are the passports, tickets, and passes" abby says, handing the girl a pile of sorted passports, tickets in a folder, and the passes in a clip. She body scans us all for weapons, and or threatning objects. We make our way aboard! Nick holds my hand, he drags his suitcases, and i drag mine. We make our way on the boat!

"Hylands room 203, connecting to them is Lusiaks, nick and eliza you are room next door, 204" abby says, handing us the keys, and our passes. We head up the elevator to the 2nd floor, yah were on the floor were the pools are, and the waterpark! We walk down the luxerious hallway, "203!" Paige yells, pointing to a white door, with gold plastered numbers. My mom inserts the key card, and "OMG" i yell. We walk in to a kitchenette, and a living area, with 2 king size beds, and a set of bunk beds. The walls are painted navy blue, the bed spreads are white, with beige pillows, and a blue throw on the end. (Throw, like an extra blanket). We have a flat screen TV, bay windows which lookout towrds the ocean. Wow is this amazing. I put my bags next to the white modern dressers, and run and jump on the tan colored coaches. I pick up a chocloate on the coffee table and pop it into my mouth. "What an amazing veiw" my mom says. "And the good part is we have all weekened to hang out" paige says. I walk into the bathroom, double vanties, jaquoozee, shower, wow! Then a little seperate room for the toilet impressive! I walk out and zip open my bag, i grab my blue and white polka dotted bikini, and my sunglasses. I walk into the bathroom and change, and put on jewan shorts and a beige see though top. Then i tell mom im gonna go out for a while with nick, and that i have my phone on me if she needed me. I walk out the door, and take about 10 steps, till im nockin on nicks door.

"Hey brookie-cookie!" Nicks says, hes already in his bathing suit. "Swimming already" eliza says, i walk in there room a duplicate of ours. "Yes mrs.dobbs you know us teens these days" i say, she laughs a little. "Well you too enjoy yourselfs, dont get lost, love you nick" mrs.dobbs says. "Love you mom" nciks says. We walk down the hallway, and out the doors.

We step onto a deck area, full of beach chairs, umbrellas, and pool area. I take nicks hand, we put our towels by beach chairs, and put our chlothing on the chairs. We walk over to the pools edge. I dip my big toe in, BURR! Nick picks me and upp and he jumps in. Then cold water rushes through my body, my adrenelene is pumping. I swim up and take a breath of air. I look around for nick, "AHH HAH" he says, scarring me. "What are you trying to make me pee my pants" i say. I jump on his back and he gives me a piggy back ride all around the pool, boy is he muscular. We get out after a little while and push through all of the little kids, at the kiddy pool to make our way back to the chairs.

We lay out on the beach chairs, just chillen. The sun feels, marvelous on my skin. I sit up and see nick over at the smoothie bar. He walks over with two frozen rassberry smoothies, "thankyou" i say, kissing him on the lips. I take a sip, oooo cold. I get up and take a seat next to him, then i lay down he lays next to me. I leanmy head on his shoulder. What a perfect day!

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