Chapter 38

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I wake up and rubb my eyes, i look out the window. SNOW! I turn on my phone, 5 messages.

Nick: _hey babe, we got a snowday wanna come sledding_, _luv you hope you can come_ , __my house 10:00_ he texts, i reply _sure ill be there whos coming_ i sak he replys, _ i invited tori, clauds, tyler, aurial, brandon, and my old friend jake_ he replys, _kk were r we going_ he rpelys _going to the park along the big slope, were gonna walk there sence alot of the roads are clossed_ he replys. _k_ i reply. I get up and head downstiars.

"Hey mom can i go sledding with friends at the park at 10" i ask. "Sure" she says. "Im soooo excited nia, chloe, maddie, and kendall are coming sledding" piage screams. "Have fun" i say.

I head upstairs finishing up the granola bar i just finished. I walk into my closet and pull out my snow stuff. Black overall snowpants, and a light gray, white, and pink snow jacket. I put on jeans, and a blue long sleeve. I walk into the bathroom and brush my hair, and brush my teeth. I head downstiars with my stuff in my hands. I head to the laundry room and grab my black columbia gloves, and my north face ear warmers head band thingy. I walk down in the basement and grab my black kamick snow boots. I walk upstairs and start putting on my snow gear. I put on my snowpants, then my goves and ear warmers. I then put the liner of my snow pants over my snow boots and put on my coat. "Luv you mom" i say. I head into the garage and get my black foam air glider sled.

I walk down the street and reach nicks house and knock on the door. A few secounds later he comes to the door, "babe" he says hugging me. "Whats up" i say. "Nm lets get you inside everyones not here yet" he says. "Ok" i say. We head inside and i pull a chair up by the door so i dont track snow everywhere.

Soon everyone gets here with there sleds, and them selves.

"Ready" nick says. "Yupp" everyone says. We all head out the door. "Get on" yells nick. I get on his sled and he pulls me all the way there.

"Were here" yells brandon. We approach a really big hill.

"Brooke nick, lets go" yells brandon. "Ok" i yell. Nick picks me up and i hop in the middle of nick and brandon. We are the first ones down the hill. When we get to the bottem we practically fall off and laugh really hard.

We head up again and this time, tori and i race, brandon and nick. "GONNA BEAT YAH" i yell. We race, and they beat us "beat yah" they yell.

After sledding for a while, we built a big snow forts and have a snowball fight.

"Alright team captins i say Brooke and Tori" yells claudia. "Ok" i say.

We head up to the front and pick teams. "Nick" i say, "claudia" says tori. "Aurial" i say, "tyler" tori says. "Brandon" i say, "jake" says tori. We head off in different dirrections and then start building our fort and making snowballs.

"Ill make the fort, with brandon" says nick. "Okay well make snowballs" says aurial. We start making snowballs, big, small, medium, and huge. "Alright 1 minute till showtime" yells tori. We roll the snow balls back and put them behind the barrier nick and brandon made. "Ready set GO" ncik yells. He takes me by the waist and kisses me. I grab a snowball and through it at tori, darnit it missed. Then tyler throws one at nick but he ducks.

"Gotcha brooke" yells claudia. "Two are left first one pegged is out and ows the other team coffee at starbucks" i yell. "GO NICK" i yell, "GO TYLER" tori yells.

Snowballs are thrown and each of them have 1 left, i stand up with brandon and aurial and yell, "GO NICK" !

"AHHHHH" well yell we run and give nick a hug. "We won you lost" we channt, "next time well get yah" they say. "Starbucks hahah u oh us" brandon yells. "Ok, " she says. "Oh and you have to pull us back" yells nick. "Fine" yells tori.

We go to the bottem of the hill, and nick brandon aurial and i hop in a sled, and all of them pull us to starbucks.

We walk through the doors and brush ourselves off. We hang our sleds in the inside of the shop at the door to dry. We connect 4 tables and take a seat.

"What do yah guys want" asks tori. "Cappachino with whip scream and choclolate syrup" i say," me two" says nick, ,"me three" says brandon, "me four" says aurial.

"And what may i get you guys today" the waitress says. "Um well take 4 cappachinos with whip cream, and chocolate syrup, and 4 regular coffees" says tori. "Ok ill be back" says the waitress.

Minutes later the lady comes back with our drinks. Ahhhhhh warm delicousnes!

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