Christopher/Quinton/V x Reader

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"He's so cute! How come I never met him?!" You screeched, jumping up and down in front of Christopher's youngest brother, Michael. Christopher grabbed your shoulders, forcing you to stand still, making you pout. Michael laughed as you quickly returned to squealing and gushing over him. Not everyday he got to see his oldest brother have a girlfriend and bringing her over. You stopped jumping and grabbed Michael's face and leaned towards him, staring into his green eyes with your (eye colour) ones.

"You are utterly adorable!" You squealed, pinching his cheeks as his face flared red. Christopher pulled you away from Michael again, an aggravated tone in his voice.

"(Name), I would highly appreciate it if you would not get in Michael's personal space." He said, sighing as you started to whine. Michael laughed nervously.

"Plus, you still haven't met my other brother, yet." You instantly brightened up and started jumping up and down in renewed excitement. Christopher rolled his eyes and Michael smiled.


"Chrissy prissy, where is he?" You asked, tugging on the taller males sleeve as Michael sat next to you. He sighed and removed your hand from his sleeve.

"He's coming, stop asking." Right after he said that, the livingroom doors' burst open, causing the three of you to snap your heads in the direction. Your eyes widen as the two others rolled their eyes. There, arms still raised from the slamming the doors open, Thomas stood, with a smug grin on his face. You stood up, Christopher and Michael following. Thomas started to make his way over and a friendly smile came to your face as you held your hand out, Thomas grabbing it and kissing it lightly. You blushed slightly, feeling slightly uncomfortable

"You must be Thomas, am I correct?" You asked, pulling your hand away from his lips. He stood up, a smirk crossing his lips.

"You are. You're (Name)? Chris never stops talking about you." He replied with a smirk. You blushed a darker shade of pink and laughed nervously. Christopher glared at Thomas, threatening him through eye contact.

"Well, I'm flattered to hear that, Thomas. May I tell you something?" You questioned, crossing your arms.

"Sure." He nodded and you leaned towards him, whispering in his ear. Christopher and Michael looked at each other and then back to you as Thomas started laughing, you smiling as you pulled away.

"Chris, where did you find her?!" Thomas said, laughing slightly. Christopher raised a brow and looked at you. You just smiled back at him. Thomas stopped laughing and slung his arm around your neck.

"She's funny. Seriously, where did you find her?" He asked, pointing at you.

"We met at a Space auditorium." Thomas and Michael looked at you then at Christopher. Christopher sighed and crossed his arms, not wanting to bring up the embarrassing memory back.

"She was working there as a tour guide." He started, a frown on his face.

"She was currently touring elementary children and one happened to get lost, finding me instead of her. He started to cry and I was concerned so I decided to help him find whoever he was looking for. I spent half of an hour looking around the auditorium halls, I even left the building to go into the Space museum." He said, brushing his bangs aside slightly.

"Eventually I came back in the Auditorium, holding the crying boy and I spotted her just heading out of the auditorium, followed by a large amount of children. I, of course, went after her. That's how we met." Christopher said, a frown still on his lips.

"That's not all of it!" You protested, making the younger Arclight brothers look at you.

"After he found me, he gave me the child and was about to leave until the group of children asked him if he was my boyfriend! The both of us said no, but the children kept pestering him to kiss my cheek and prove he's my boyfriend!" You said, watching as Christopher's face flushed red. Thomas and Michael turned to look at their older brother, surprise and interest on their faces.

"Well, did you kiss her?" Michael asked, curiosity swimming in his green eyes. Christopher bit his lip, mentally cursing you for telling that part.

"Yes. I did. Happy?" He questioned, turning his face away as Thomas snickered.

"So, you're telling me, you kissed a stranger for a bunch of kids?" Thomas questioned, making Christopher's blush darken.

"Thomas, don't tease him. I'm sure he has embarrassing stories about you." You replied, making Michael beam.

"Oh! There was this one time-" Thomas covered Michael's mouth quickly, silencing him.

((Next is Thomas. Space Auditoriums are amazing. I fell asleep in one for like thirty seconds, it was awesome.))

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