Baby!Nasch/Ryoga/Reginald x Reader x Baby!Merag/Rio

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You stood up from your bed, groaning slightly, and made your way out of your room and into the hallway, staggering slightly from being woken up. You groaned, hearing the pounding on the door again, and sluggishly made your way downstairs. You stretched and lazily called out, yawning while doing so.

"Coming!" You said, slouching as you grabbed a hold of the knob to the front door, twisting it open.

"What do you ne-" You stopped mid-sentence, looking at absolutely nothing. Your brows furrowed and you leaned out slightly, looking out into the cold nights air. You jumped when you heard a slight crying, making you look down. Your eyes widened at the sight of two small infants laying in nothing but a blanket. You quickly kneeled down, gently picking up the now wailing babies. You stood up, holding them against you as you frantically looked around, seeing no one. You looked down at the two babies, a concerned look spreading across your face. You turned and quickly stepped back into your house, kicking the door shut with your foot.

You rushed towards the kitchen, using one hand to flick the lights on. You looked around, eyes landing on the sink. You rushed towards it, noting the babies were freezing and needed to be warmed up quickly.

~Timeskip because I Suck at Bath Scenes~

After getting the two warmed and then dried, you wrapped them in a clean and warm blanket, leaving them in a box in the livingroom as you searched the house for clothes that would fit them. You strangely had diapers left from babysitting your two nieces and two small shirts that could fit them. You turned and quickly made your way back into livingroom, checking on the two infants. They looked up at you, breathing heavily from the weird experience they just went through. You smiled down at them sympathetically and set your things down, unwrapping the two.

From earlier, you noticed one was a girl and the other was a boy so you picked the girl up first. You layed her down on the rug, quickly putting the diaper on her before she would freak out. She looked up at you when you picked her up, putting the shirt on her. She suddenly smiled at you, making you pause. You hesitantly smiled back, setting her on your lap so you could get the boy out and changed. When you picked him up, you noticed he was looking directly at your face, making you chuckle nervously when you laid him on the rug as well, quickly putting the diaper on him.

He started to fuss when you tried to put the shirt on him, making you bite your lip. You finally got the shirt on him and set him on your lap as well, next to the girl. They both looked up at you and you nervously ran a hand through your hair, thinking the situation over. Okay, there is two babies currently on my lap that I found outside my door at twelve at night. No biggy, eh? You thought, biting your lip slightly. You started to nervously shaking your legs, bouncing the babies. They started to giggle slightly, making you stop bouncing your legs. They whined and started to fuss, making you bounce your legs for them again.

~Time Skip to Morning Because I Suck~

You shifted slightly, groaning as you lazily opened your eyes. You immediately closed them, groaning from the bright light. I forgot to close the curtains again. You thought, opening your eyes. You lifted your head, looking down at the two sleeping babies on your chest. You smiled slightly, happy they were inside instead of outside. You rested your head again, looking up at the livingrooms ceiling. Took forever to get them to sleep, it was worth it though. You thought, looking down when the girl yawned cutely. You chuckled lightly, keeping your arm on their backs. I wonder what their names are.... You thought, closing your eyes slightly. Maybe I should ask around town? No, no one pays attention to travelers. Maybe there was a note or something? You thought, opening your eyes.

"A note......" You mumbled, eyes widening.

"A note!" You shouted, waking the two infants up. They started to whine and fuss as you sat up, holding them against you. You quickly stood up from the couch, setting the two babies in the box, wrapping the blanket around them as you dashed off towards the front door, throwing it open as you searched the porch for a note or something. You looked around, spotting something on the snow, about three feet away from the porch. You dashed off the porch, stepping into the cold and fluffy snow barefooted. You kneeled down, picking up a damp and slightly ripped note. You brushed it off and quickly read it.

"Dear Kamishiro (Name), I apologize for not showing myself, but I feared you would not take the two if I did. They're twins, Ryoga and Rio. I can not take care of them and I'm sorry for just leaving them with you, but you are a kind and gentle soul. I know you can take care of them. Ryoga is older than Rio and he doesn't enjoy bell peppers or onions,so do not feed those two that. They are two years old, their birthdate is-" You jumped slightly, feeling a hand on your shoulder.

"Ms. Kamishiro? Are you alright?" You looked up, seeing the teenage boy who delivered the newspaper with a concerned face. You blinked, looking down.

"Oh!" You said, quickly standing up in the snow, surprising the boy. He stepped back as you dusted the snow off of yourself.

"Ah, sorry, Nathan. I wasn't paying attention." You said, turning to smile at the brunette. He hesitantly smiled back and lifted his other hand, handing you a roll of newspaper.

"Yeah, uh, here's your daily news. Have a good day Ms. Kamishiro." He said, turning and dashing off as he waved over his shoulder. You waved back, a embarrassed smile on your face. You snapped to attention when you heard a wail inside your house. You dashed up the stairs, slamming the door as you rushed into the livingroom. You quickly rushed towards the box, noticing the two were pulling each others hair and were crying while doing it.

"Ah! Ryoga! Rio! Stop that!" You said, frantically trying to separate the babies from grabbing each others hair.

((I am working on Alit, Michael and Vector ones right now.))

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