Baby!Kaito/Kite x Reader

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You blinked, looking down at the squirming infant in your arms. You looked back up at the green haired man and then at the blonde haired one. They both looked at you as well, completely quiet as the used to be eighteen year old squirmed in your arms.

"How exactly did this happen?" You questioned, wincing when the fussing Kaito slapped your arm. Dr. Faker quickly spoke up, stepping forwards.

"Heartland and I were experimenting and he came in to complain to us about something, but walked straight into our experiment zone." The blonde muttered, looking down at his son as he glared up at him. You looked back down, a sympathetic look on your face.

"And how do you plan on re-raising Kaito until you get this situation fixed?" You asked, looking up at them.

"Actually," Mr. Heartland started "we were wondering if you could take him in for awhile." Your eyes widened in surprise.

"Me?" You asked, using one hand to point at your chest.

"Yes, I only trust you the most because you've never been untrustworthy except when the Barians got a hold of you." Dr. Faker said, glaring at Mr. Heartland slightly. The greenette shrugged, leaning on his cane.

"Well, that is something I don't like to remember, but I am very trustworthy, but you trust me enough with your son?" You questioned, surprise still on your face.

"Well, of course. He doesn't even stop talking about you anyways." Mr. Heartland said, smirking as Kaito's face flared red. You blinked and looked down, noting Kaito's facial colour.

"Oh...uh, will I be taking Haruto as well as Orbital?" You questioned, a very faint pink hue on your cheeks that you could only see if you looked extremely hard. Dr. Faker and Mr. Heartland looked down at the red and fuming Kaito.

"It'd be best if you did." Dr. Faker said.


Haruto walked beside you, holding your hand as you held Kaito in your other arm. Orbital kept offering to hold Kaito, but Kaito only fussed and clung to your shirt when you tried to give him to Orbital. Orbital was trailing behind the three of you, asking Kaito for forgiveness.

"Orbital, you don't need to apologize, you did nothing wrong." You said, eyes landing on your approaching house.

"B-But M-Master K-Kaito is angry with m-me!" The robot replied, voice glitching as he spoke.

"Kaito is just being a bit grumpy. Infants are like that, Orbital." Kaito made a noise of anger, making Haruto and Orbital look at the fussy baby as he curled his small hand into a fist and whacked your shoulder. You laughed and looked down at Kaito.

"You do realise I can't feel anything in my upper body except my arms, right Kaito?" You asked, watching as he huffed adorably. You smiled and chuckled, stopping in front of your house. You let Haruto run up to the door and watched as Orbital went after him, shouting it was impolite to just walk into someone's house. You shook your head and walked into your home, shutting the door. Kaito looked around, grey/blue eyes looking around your home as you walked into the kitchen, where Haruto was with Orbital next to him.

"(Name)-nee-san, could I have a cookie?" He asked, yellow eyes looking into your (eye colour) ones.

"Of course, Haru-chan. Only two. You can have more after dinner." You said, setting down the bag of things you needed. You walked next to Haruto, leaning over him slightly to grab the cookie jar on the shelf. You lowered it and he took the cap off, grabbing two cookies and then heading off into the livingroom after thanking you. Kaito looked up at you, grey/blue eyes locked onto your face. You looked down at him, him immediately turning his head away.

~Small Timeskip~

"Kaito, I have to change you." You said, eyebrow raised as the beet red baby desperately tried to escape your clutches.

"Kaito, if you don't want me to give you a bath I'll let Orbital take care of you." You said, offering him a different option. He shook his head and you sighed, beginning to get frustrated with him.

"Do you want to stay clean and avoid getting lice or getting sick or no?" You asked, looking down at the baby. He paused and looked up at you, face beet red still. He tried to reply but his words sounded more like gurgles mixed with gibberish. You only got 'why' and 'me'.

"Kaito, do you want me to take a bath with you?" His face got even redder and you realized your choice in words immediately after his face darkened.

"I'd be wearing a swimsuit." You sputtered, face turning red as well.

((*squints* huh. I've finished it. Anyone want someone else? Other than Ryoga and Alit, they're coming.))

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