Astral x Reader

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"(Name)." You shrieked and dropped your book.

"Are you alright?" You looked up to see Astral, who probably wondered away from the Key and Yuma, floating in front of you.

"Yes, I am." You muttered, leaning down to pick your book up from the ground.


"What?" You asked, looking back at the Alien life form.

"What is love?" Astral asked, tilting his head. You furrowed your brow.

"What do you mean "What is love?" there is many definitions of love."

"Explain them please." He asked, watching you. You sighed and set your book beside you.

"Number one: An intense feeling of deep affection. Number two: A deep romantic or sexual attachment to someone. Number three: A great interest and pleasure in something. Number four: Affectionate greetings conveyed to someone on one's behalf. Number five: Like very much; find pleasure in." You said, twirling your hand as you said the definitions.

"I think number one, three and five I feel towards you." What he said made you pause, your face tinting a very faint red.

"You have a intense feeling of deep affection, a great interest or pleasure in me and you like me very much and find pleasure in me?" You asked. Astral nodded.

"I have a feeling of affection towards you, I find great interest in you and I enjoy being with you. Does this mean I'm in love with you?" He asked, tilting his head.

"First off, did someone say to do this to me to trick me or something?"

"No, no one told me to fool you. Yuma said I had a "crush" on you because he says I'm always looking at you and apparently talking about you too. When I asked him what a crush was he replied with "It's kinda like love. Go ask (Name), I'm sure she knows more about it then I do." but, you reacted strangely when I said I love you, why is that?" Astral asked, tilting his head even more. You bit your lip, blush darkening just a tad.

He's so oblivious, this will take him awhile to fully understand, damn. Why would he be in love with me? Doesn't he understand it won't work out? He is very cute now that I think about it-WHAT AM I THINKING?! HE'S AN ALIEN. THIS WILL NEVER EVEN WORK OUT. QUIT THINKING THAT WAY (NAME). NEVER EVER THINK LIKE THAT AGAIN!

"(Name)." You snapped out of your thoughts, screeching as you noticed Astral's face extremely close to yours.

"Astral! Not so close! Do you not remember my comfort zone rule?!" You screeched, scooting back on the bench. He leaned back and muttered an apology.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to alarm you, it's just you went silent for at least five minutes." Your blush worsened when he noticed you spaced out.

"S-Sorry, I was thinking. Listen, Astral. I-"

"Love me back?" You noticed he used a different tone in his voice. It sounded like it had slight hope in it. Dammit, he's like a small child too fragile for this god forsaken World. You thought, sweating slightly.

"U-Uh, no. I'm sorry. It's just, I can't see how a relationship with me and you would work out. You're from a different planet and I am too. We're different beings and species, usually different species don't work out together. It's like trying to make a dog and fox mate. It won't work out because they're different." You tried to explain, biting your lip nervously.

"So you're saying you don't love me back?" He questioned curiously.

"Well, no. I do like you back just not love. I see you more as a friend." You said, fiddling with your thumbs.

"I see." He muttered, looking down. Oh, now I feel bad.

"Hey, uh, Astral?" He lifted his head and you nervously stood up, crossing your arms.

"No hard feelings?" You asked, rocking back and forth on your heels slightly.

"No, I do not believe feelings are hard." He said, making you laugh lightly.

"Good, I would still like to be friends, if that's alright with you?" You asked, looking up at him. He nodded.

"I would like to stay as friends." He said, smiling faintly.


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