Misael/Mizar x Demon!Reader

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Misael huffed to himself, blue eyes narrowed at the scratches on his homework. He spent two whole nights finishing that and it suddenly ended up torn to shreds overnight while he slept. He picked it up, or well tried. It fell apart and spread across his room, making the blond even more agitated than ever.

"Dammit!" He cursed, stomping to his bedroom door to see if Vector did it. He froze mid-step when he heard a loud thump come from his closet, a grunt following after. He rose a brow, spun on his heel and marched towards the closet, hand hovering over the handle. Another thump and a chorus of snapping was heard, a quiet huff following.

"What in the...." Misael mumbled, grabbing the doorknob before pulling the door open. He froze at the sight of a large freakish creature covered in shadows and a eerie mist surrounding it. It turned, pure white eyes staring straight into Misael's blue ones. Before Misael could yell, or run, four hands grabbed him and yanked him into the closet, door slamming shut.

Misael opened his eyes to see himself in a pitch black landscape, seemingly endless. He sat up, shivering badly. His teeth chattered, making a slight clicking sound that echoed. He stiffened as he heard a low, predatory growl. He looked around, searching for anything as he slowly stood up, freezing when the growling got closer. He slowly gulped and turned around, falling back when a otherworldly dog looking beast approached him, dark purple saliva dripping from its black, sharp teeth as another predatory growl erupted from its chest.

"Κάτσε κάτω , τώρα!"(1) The beast dog froze, lowering their head as they sat back on their hind legs.

"Διαμονή."(2) Misael shifted nervously, not knowing what's going on. He suddenly felt something pick him up, by his shirt. He was lifted and spun around to face those same pure white eyes. It was silent before the freakish beast 'hmph'ed and dropped him.

"Not that strong looking, and that hair is too bright." Now Misael felt personally insulted. Beast or not, he's going to fight back with strong words.

"You don't look that great either, gas head!" Misael huffed, ignoring the growl from the dog-freak. The shadow looking beast was quiet for a few moments, before a deep chuckle rumbled from their chest.

"That's the first time anyone has had the guts to talk back to me. Even my hound over there," it motioned with one of its hands to the 'hound' "is too fearful I might go into a rage and kill it." Misael was silent, confused.

"What's the matter, am I too scary to talk to? I have many other forms, but I prefer this one best." Misael shook his head, long blond locks whipping his face slightly.

"I don't understand you. You take me from my world and then have your 'hound' almost eat me, insult me and then laugh when I insult you." Misael replied, looking up at the creature before him. It chuckled again before slapping with all four hands, leaning down slightly.

"You're a very amusing human. I'll return you to your world now."

"Wait! I wasn't finished talking to-" and Misael was once again grabbed.

Misael slowly opened his eyes, seeing he was back in his closet. His hangers were snapped and a few clothes were torn. He slowly sat up, hissing as something brushed his upper arm. He turned and carefully lifted his sleeve up, eyes widening at the sight of freshly carved (initials) on his arm. 'Did that creature do this?' Misael thought, carefully standing up.

"Did they.... put a code of some sort on me?" Misael questioned himself.

((Greek Translation:
1: Sit down, now!
2: Stay.

Yay, non-binary demon reader, I do what I want.))

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