Baby!Durbe/Dumon x Reader

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You gently picked up the small grey haired baby, holding him against your chest to keep him warm in the cold house. Your feet padded against the cold floor, sending slight shivers down your spine as you walked with the baby. Ah......Stupid heater...... You thought, stepping down the stairs slowly with your small child. He shifted in your arms slightly and snuggled his small round face into your collarbone. You smiled and stopped at the end of the stairs, gently nudging a large cat out of the way with your foot. It stretched and mewled, lazily getting up and then trotting towards the kitchen. You followed.

You stepped into the cold kitchen, shivering and then flicking the light on. Durbe shifted against you again and you looked down, smiling as he made a sound of annoyance. You leaned down, pecking his soft grey locks lightly. He whined in his sleep and turned his head away, stubbornly ignoring your affection. You chuckled slightly and shook your head, continuing your journey to turn the heater back on. You finally found it, switching it on to a high temperature, but not too high. You waited and finally heard it kick in, listening to the faint sound of clicking in the walls.

"Ah, the floors warming up." You muttered to yourself, heading to the livingroom to set him down in the bundle of blankets in his play pen. You smiled as you put one over him, watching his small face twist into discomfort from losing your body heat. You lifted your hand, placing it onto his small chest. He shifted, lifting his small arms to grab onto your larger hand. You chuckled, gently rubbing your index and middle finger against his clothed chest, soothing the baby. His eyes finally fluttered open, showcasing a beautiful grey colour. He looked up at you, (eye colour) locking with grey.

"Morning, Durbe~" You cooed, leaning down to peck his forehead. He gurgled and lifted one hand to grab a hold of your light grey locks, tugging it gently. You smiled and lifted your free hand, gently removing his small hand from your soft grey locks.

"I'm making flapjacks. Do you want some, my little Durbe?" You asked, watching his small face brighten. You smiled warmly and pecked his cheek, pulling back to head back into the kitchen.

~Small Timeskip~

You chuckled, watching as Durbe covered his round cheeks in maple syrup from trying to squish the circular breakfast into his mouth. He looked up at you, unconsciously smiling. You chuckled more, shaking your head in amusement as you watched your one, almost two, year old eat his breakfast that was cut into small pieces. You looked down when your large cat decided to lay down in between your feet. You rolled your eyes as it rested its head on your foot, mewling tiredly. You heard a whine and lifted your head, bursting into laughter from the sight. Durbe, somehow, got his hand stuck in his hair, causing him to whine until he started to cry.

You stopped laughing and lifted your foot, avoiding stepping on your cat, and started to walk towards the small baby. He continued to cry until you picked him up, gently cooing to him. You brought him towards the sink and grabbed a washcloth, dampening it under the warm water from the faucet. You turned to Durbe, cooing his name to keep him from crying. You sat down on a chair in the kitchen, adjusting Durbe so you held him properly to clean his face and get his hand out of his hair. You started to wipe his mouth and cheeks clean, smiling warmly at the baby.

"Durbe, how and why did you get your hand stuck?" You questioned, gently working on getting his sticky hand out from his light grey locks. He whined and started to cry again, apparently finding it painful when removing his syrup covered hand from his hair. You gently cooed to him, finally getting his hand out. You started to clean the sticky hand, smiling down at him as he calmed down. After cleaning his hand, you went to work on his hair, rubbing his short grey locks to get the syrup out.

"Durbe, this happens every morning."  You mumbled, hearing him whine in disapproval for reminding him.

((Does anyone want more Baby characters?))

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