Baby!Astral x Reader

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"This is weird." You mumbled, holding the now infant Astral in your arms.

"Why is he a baby? How is he even a baby?" You questioned, looking up at Yuma. He shrugged and shook his head.

"I don't know, one minute he was floating above me at my house and nows he's a baby." Yuma explained, a nervous look on his face. You looked back down at the blue infant, noticing him staring straight at you.

"This is really confusing. Can't Eliphas or Ena do something?" You questioned, lifting your head to look at Yuma. He shook his head, a bit stressed.

"No, I tried to ask them but they didn't know what to do." He said, looking at the glowing 'baby'. You looked down as well, eyes locking with his.

"Did you ask any of the Barians?"

"They don't know."


"Don't know either."

"Kaito or Orbital?"

"Don't know."

"Hmm, did you try asking Dark Mist?"

"I don't trust him enough to let him know!" Yuma shouted, making you sigh.

"Yuma. You should check still. He could be like this as well." You said, shifting Astral in your arms slightly. Yuma huffed and muttered a quiet 'fine'. You smiled at him and ushered him off, telling him to ask Dark Mist. Yuma reluctantly left, glancing over his shoulder to look at you until he was out of sight. You looked back down at Astral, noticing he was still staring at you. You made a face at him, watching as he made a noise of confusion. You grinned and laughed, turning around while starting heading towards your home.


You pushed your bedroom door open, looking at Astral as he held a lock of your (hair colour) and (favourite colour) hair in his hand. You smiled and pushed your door shut, heading towards your bed. You plopped down, bouncing Astral as you did. He looked up at you, still quiet. You chuckled and crossed your legs, grabbing a pillow and setting it down on your lap. You gently placed Astral onto the cool pillow, watching as he reached out to grab onto you again. You rested your elbow on your knee and rested your head on your fist, smiling down at Astral as you placed your other hand on his chest.

He grabbed onto it and fiddled with your fingers, spreading them apart and making them curl all together. You chuckled and continued to watch as he played with your hand curiously. Just as he was about to bend your index finger, a shadowy figure appeared then it shaped into a black version of Astral, Dark Mist arrived.

"I heard something about-" He stopped midsentence, gaze landing on the smaller Astral that was now looking at him "-Astral being a infant......" Dark Mist mumbled, looking up at you. You shrugged and shook your head, letting him know you didn't understand it either. He slowly floated towards you, looking down at Astral. Astral stared at him, completely silent. Dark Mist blinked at him and smirked.

"Look who's bigger now, Astraaaaal~!" Dark Mist teased, smirking down at the silent baby. You shook your head, rolling your eyes as Dark Mist continued to say he's the bigger and more powerful one now.

"Dark mist, enough dilly dallying, down to business. Do you know how or why Astral is an infant?" You questioned. Astral's twin/rival paused, looking up in thought. He opened his mouth slightly and kept looking at the ceiling.

"I overheard Don Thousand mentioning something about Astral, a spell and infants." Dark Mist said, looking back down at you and Astral.

"A spell? Oh, great." You huffed, lifting your head to run your hand through your hair, seeing Astral still held your other one.

"Thank you for the new information, Mist. You can stay or leave, your choice." You said, removing your hand from your hair, proping your head onto it again.

"As much as I want to stay and say I'm more powerful, his stare is unnerving." Dark Mist said, waving as he disappeared. You rolled your eyes and looked back down at Astral, smiling as he stared at you silently.

"I don't think your stare is unnerving. I think it's cute." You said, laughing as Astral finally made a squeaking sound.

Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant