Kaito/Kite x Dragon!Reader

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((Kinda long build up.))

"Septic blast!" A roar sounding similar to thunder rumbled from your chest as blue flames sparked and ignited within your throat, blasting past your sharp rows of teeth at your opponent, burning them as they flew back. The crowd roared in delight, cheering you on loudly. Your trainer, Akira, practically swelled with pride.

"Finish that pathetic excuse of a lizard with Chronic Radiation!" You huffed, blue smoke steaming from your nostrils as you launched yourself into the air, reeling your head back before blasting a continuous wave of blue radioactive mist. Your enemy Dragon let out a roar of agony, reeling away in pain as the radiation took over it's immune system, killing it slowly. The crowd roared and cheered, enjoying the soon to be death. Akira was smirking as she knew her victory was coming. Just as the dying Dragon was going to give up, another blue blast shot out and hit your chest, causing you to fly back and slam against a rock wall. The crowd gasped, Akira turning to fume at whatever caused your damage. Her eyes landed on two males, one with long blonde hair and red markings on his face, the other with green highlights and blonde pointed hair.

"Hey! Back off!" Akira shouted as you slow got up, spreading your wings out as you shook excess rocks and dust off of you.

"How can I back off when a Dragon is about to be murdered by a brainwashed killing machine?" You lifted your head, growling lowly as two Dragons appeared behind the males.

"(Name) isn't brainwashed, you asshole! This isn't your fight! Go away!" Akira yelled, looking up when you stood over her, wings spread to appear bigger. Your eyes flashed as you roared at the two Dragons, warning them to back off. They just stared at you, huffing in reply.

"It's our fight if you're going to kill something defenseless!" The long blonde haired one yelled, catching your attention. You turned and looked at the half-dead Dragon, seeing it's trainer crying as they hugged its snout tightly. You looked back when the male with green highlights spoke.

"Killing innocent Dragons isn't at all fair or legal." By now, the entire arena went silent before you let out a deafening roar, causing everyone to cover their ears, Dragons shaking their heads at the high pitched tone of it. While it echoed, you turned and snatched the injured Dragon and took off.


You landed as gently as you could, releasing the Dragon a foot above the ground before, you yourself landed. You looked down, making eye contact with the nearly dead Dragon. It weakly, and with all strength it had, lifted its head, snout touching yours in a forgiving way. You stared into its dark drown eyes before pressing your snout back, in a thankful way before pulling back. Your eyes flashed and you spread your wings, opening your muzzle before blowing a gentle white mist at the Dragon.

It shivered before laying limp, breathing calming down to light puffs. Its crisp green and yellow scales slowly turned from burnt, to freshly hardened, clean from any signs of damage. You stopped blowing the white mist when you knew the radiation dissipated.

Boy, your trainer would be angrier than a erupting volcano if she knew you saved the Dragon from death. You snorted at the thought and gently nudged the Dragon awake. It shifted before it slowly opened its eyes, looking up at you with confusion. You let out a rumble mixed between a chirp and light roar, helping the Dragon to its paws(?). You decided to telepathically speak to the Dragon.

"Come, I have to return you."

"What if your trainer sees you?"

"I do not care, I have been waiting a long time for someone to step up and defy her."

"You could get killed."

"I almost killed you with little thought, nothing can hurt me."

And with that, you took off to the skies, Dragon on your tail.


"You idiots! What have you done?!" Akira was tugging at her silver locks, screaming in frustration at your disappearance. The two blondes were shocked as well, confused at your disappearance. After your defense roar, you left everyone in shock as you escaped with your opponent Dragon. People were sent off in a search to see if you were still underground, but found no trace. You had gone outside. An hour had passed before two thunderous roars echoed through the underground and two Dragons flew into the arena, landing on the ground rough enough to shake the arena and dust and dirt to fly up.

Akira coughed and hacked as dust flew into her lungs, slamming her fist against her chest before looking up, freezing as two familiar piercing (e/c) eyes stared at her when the dust cleared.

"(Name).....?" She questioned, eyes widening when you snarled and roared in her face loudly. She stood in shock as you reeled your head back, glaring down at her. Your eyes flashed and you roared again, standing up to your full height before spreading your wings.

"(N-Name)?" Akira questioned, flinching when you snarled. You lifted your wings, showing the Dragon behind you, fully healed. You roared again, warning Akira to kneel or die. She stood frozen, snapping back to reality when you let out a terrifying roar in her face again. She dropped to her knees, raising her hands up shakily. You snarled and flapped your wings, leaning down to huff in her face. She flinched and you snarled again. She lowered her hands to the ground and pressed her head against her hands, bowing down.

You pulled away, backing up to sit beside the green and yellow Dragon. They looked up at you before looking to their trainer, them looking at Akira. You turned your head, speaking to each human individual, except the two blondes, through telepathy.

"Kneel you pathetic bags of pink flesh!" You growled, watching as they all shakily kneeled and then bowed, staying put. You roared before standing, facing the two blondes and their Dragons. You lowered your head, placing your paws(?) in front of you. You folded your wings against your back and closed your eyes. You surrendered the underground. You kept your eyes shut when footsteps approached you, a hand resting on your snout.

"Open your eyes, (Name)." You did as commanded, looking up at the male with green highlights and pointed hair.

"You have helped us with shutting this underground Dragon fighting system down. Would you like to further help us with other illegal fights?" You were silent before lifting your head, nudging his head gently. He gave a chuckled and patted your snout.

"Good, welcome to Galaxy Eyes."

((Well this sucked, part two?))

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