Baby!Misael/Mizael/Mizar x Reader

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"Why do I have to take care of him?" You asked, eyebrow raised as Rio huffed.

"He doesn't fuss around you." Rio muttered, handing you, the used to be teenager, blonde baby. His cheeks brightened when you held him, causing him to look silly.

"Who else knows about him being a baby?" You questioned, shifting Misael in your arms slightly.

"Just us Barians. No one other than us knows." She said, smiling.

"Oh, so I guess avoid anyone if I go out with him?" You questioned the fellow female Alien.

"Particularly Kaito." She replied, watching as the now baby Misael scowled cutely.

"Got it." You said, making a slight clicking sound with your mouth out of habit. She smiled and quickly handed you a bag.

"Misael's stuff is in there. He fussed about Vector stealing it so Durbe bagged it." She said, watching as you slipped the bag onto your shoulder.

"Oh, am I allowed to ask how Misael turned into an infant?"

"Well, Vector was messing around with a few Barian crystals and Misael told him to cut it out. The rest is history." Rio said, smiling sheepishly.

"Oh. Is there a way for him to turn normal or no?"

"We're still figuring that out." Rio said, watching as Misael squirmed in your arms, still red from being so close to you.

"In the meantime, could you please watch him and if anything happens could you please tell us?"

"Of course. I'll let you know right away." She sighed in relief and smiled.

"Thank you, (Name). You're a life saver." She said, giving you and Misael a quick hug.

"I wouldn't really consider myself as a 'life saver', but whatever floats your boat."


You pushed the door of your house open, closing it behind you as Misael rested his head against your shoulder. You called out to your caretaker, telling them you'd be upstairs.

"Alright, Misael. You won't mind sleeping with me, will you?" You questioned the blonde baby as you trotted upstairs towards your bedroom. You saw his face darken from the corner of your eye, causing you to smile.

"It's just temporarily." You said, reaching the top of the stairs. Misael finally made a gurgling sound that sounded like a disoriented 'fine'. You nodded and walked down the hallway, stepping into your open room.

"Ah, (Guardians Name) must have brought my laundry up. I'll thank them later." You mumbled, closing the door with your foot. Misael lifted his head, looking around your room in curiosity. Oh, Misael hasn't been in my room yet. You thought, heading towards your neat and clean bed. You leaned down and sat him against the pillows, finally noticing the white shirt that was too big on his small frame. You clicked your tongue, shaking your head. You set the bag full of Misael's personal items on your nightstand and heading towards your wardrobe, pulling the top draw out.

Misael watched you in confusion until you pulled out a shirt you wore frequently. You shut your drawer and headed back towards the waiting blonde. You set the shirt on your bed and turned to Misael, tugging the shirt off of him. His face darkened and he started to fuss, whacking your hands to make you stop. You rolled your eyes and ignored his hitting as you pulled the shirt off of him.

"Misael. What's the big deal?" You questioned, noticing he wore a small pair of shorts. He whined loudly and you shook your head, picking the shirt up, that you picked out, and started to put it on him. You pulled back and noticed it wasn't as big as the other one, but shrugged, seeing it was easier for Misael to move.

"(Name)! Dinners ready!" (Guardians Name) called.

"Already? Huh, I guess it's early tonight." You mumbled, picking Misael up.

"Come on Misael. It's about time you've met my small family of deux." You said, holding the blonde against you as you headed downstairs. He clutched your shirt, face still red from you changing his shirt. As you entered the kitchen, (Guardians Name) turned around and blinked, tilting their head.

"Who's this?" They asked, setting down two plates. You smiled at them and bounced Misael slightly.

"This is Misael, (Guardians Name). Misael, this is my caretaker (Guardians Name)." You introduced, watching as Misael buried his face into your neck, embarrassed.

"Misael? Isn't that your friends name?" (Guardians Name) questioned, head tilting even more. You nodded.

"This is that friend. He was fifteen and now he's about three or four by the looks of it. Science experiment gone wrong."


"Well, more like on purpose experiment."

"Oh."(Guardians Name) mumbled, smiling brightly afterwards.

"Well, you're welcome to stay here as long as you want and need, little one." Misael made a squeaking noise against your neck as (Guardians Name) patted his back. You laughed lightly and gently kissed the side of his head, making him even more flustered.

((Yaaaaaaaaay. Idk. Deux means two in French btw.))

Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL x ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ