Vetrix/Byron/Tron x Reader

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Byron sighed as he walked through the halls, bidding his lab partner a goodnight. This project is taking forever. He thought, stressed. He rubbed his face tiredly, passing by the livingroom, stopping a few feet away. He lifted his head and turned around. Isn't (Name) still here? He thought, walking back towards the livingroom. He stepped in, looked around and didn't see anyone. He furrowed his brow and moved forward, seeing a big lump of blankets and hair in front of the fireplace.

His eyes widened and he rushed over in worry, looking under the blankets to see a sleeping woman with three children. He sighed and placed a hand over is heart. My god. Full of surprises.

"Daddy?" He heard a small squeaky voice ask. He looked down to see his youngest child, Michael, looking up at him with sleepy green eyes.

"Shh, go back to sleep." Byron murmured, holding his index finger over his lips. Michael blinked tiredly and nodded, snuggling down into your chest. Byron smiled slightly and watched as his three sons sleep for a moment, watching as they slept peacefully with their caretaker. He looked down at you, smiling at your sleeping face. He gently brushed away strands of hair from your face and leaned down, kissing the side of your temple. He moved over and kissed Michael, Thomas and Christopher's heads as well. He pulled back and looked down at you, smiling.

"I'm glad they have you in their life. They need a Motherly figure." He murmured, sighing lightly. Too bad I have to wake her up. He thought, gently grabbing your shoulder, shaking it lightly. You stirred and groaned, slowly opening your eyes. You lifted your head and looked up at Byron, sleepy confusion written on your face. You lifted your free hand and rubbed your eyes, groaning again.

"What time is it?" You asked, covering your mouth as you yawned.

"Two in the morning." Byron replied, watching as you threw a tired glare at him.

"Let me sleep." You grumbled, closing your eyes.

"I can't. My sons are sleeping on you and I think the floor is uncomfortable." He said, watching as you opened your eyes to see the three boys sleeping on you. Michael on your chest, Thomas and Christopher on your arm.

"I don't want to get up." You whined, looking up at Byron with a pout.

"Put them on the couch with me, (Name)." Byron retorted, standing up. He walked around the clump of humans and leaned down, picking up Christopher. The sleeping child clung to him as Byron moved him towards the couch, setting him down and then moving back to get Thomas. He picked the smaller child up and put him next to his brother. You wrapped your arms around the small boy still with you and hugged him closer to you when Byron returned to grab him. Byron sighed and motioned for the child.

"(Name), give me Michael." He spoke, receiving when a sharp glare thrown at him.

"My child." You replied, kissing the top of Michael's pink locks.

"(Name), Michael isn't yours. He's my child." Byron said, trying to pry your arms off of Michael. You hissed and hugged the boy tighter.

"No, he's mine. Go away." You hiss, glaring up at the man.

"Stop acting like a child, and give me my child. He isn't yours." Byron said, glaring down at you. This continued on for about ten minutes, the two boys on the couch waking up and silently watching as their father tried to get their brother out of their caretakers' hold. Michael woke up and started to squirm from being pressed against your chest, whining slightly.

"(Name)! Michael's isn't blood related to you! You're not his mother!" Byron said, struggling to pin you.

"Who says I'm not? I could be his mother and you stole him from me!" You replied, struggling against the man.

"I would never steal a child, plus the only way he's yours is if I married you and got you pregnant!" Byron retorted, blushing lightly and finally pinning you.

"(Name) is Michael's mother?" Thomas questioned, sitting up on the couch. Byron turned to his other sons and shook his head.

"N-No-" He was quickly cut off by Christopher.

"Does that mean she's our mother too?" The long haired boy asked, sitting up as well. Byron blushed even more and looked down at you to see a smirking face.

"Is (Name) really my mommy?" Michael asked, turning his head to look up at his father. Byron's blush darkened a bit and it darkened even more at the next thing you said.

"Why, yes. I'm all of all three of you boys' mommy." You purred, holding the starberry-haired boy against you lovingly.

"Yay! She's our mother too!" Thomas cheered, rushing towards you to give a hug. Christopher got off of the couch and ran over to hug you as well.

"Daddy! You have to kiss Mommy now and get married!" Michael said, pulling away as you sat up.

"No, I-"

"Come on, Dad! You have to marry someone to have a child with them!" Thomas said, looking up at his father.

"Yeah, you need to give me a kiss and marry me~!" You teased the man, looking up at him with a taunting smile. He bit his lip and listened as the four of you encouraged him. He sighed, closed his eyes and leaned down, quickly pressing his lips against yours. He was about to pull away when you suddenly wrapped your arms around his neck, keeping him in place as you kissed back.

"Yay! You're married now!" Cheered, the now free, Michael, jumping up and down excitedly, Thomas joining him.

*Timeskip to after Byron's Disappearance*

You flinched as you heard Christopher brake another glass object. You were rubbing Thomas' and Michael's backs as they cried, soothing them.

After finding out about their father, they came crying to you. You were just as upset, but held back your tears. You lifted your head when Christopher stormed into the livingroom, glaring harshly at you with tears streaming from his puffy, bloodshot eyes. You thought he was going to yell at you again, but he did the opposite and lurched forwards, wrapping his arms around you in a tight hug. He started to cry in your chest, forcing you to let the younger boys go, and wrap your arms around the older boy.

"I'm sorry!" He sobbed, fisting the back of your shirt. You rubbed his back and remained silent, letting him cry. You motioned for Michael and Thomas to join and they did as told. All three of the boys crying onto their "mother" in grief.

((Michael is five, Thomas is seven and Christopher is ten in the beginning of the chapter. Anyways, someone requested another Ve-Ve one, and I said yes.))

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