~31: Amethyst~

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I moved along the side of the cliff. I had to get Leo back to the others before I really panicked.

I'd already lost control of my emotions and turned into a dragon. But Leo had gotten hurt because of me.

My feet landed at an incline, and a small bit of hope settled in my chest.

I rushed back to where Leo lay before pausing.

"How do I get him on my back without hurting him?"

He whimpered in his sleep, and I felt worse.

I turned back into a human and knelt next to Leo.

"I'm so sorry," I whispered.

I slowly rolled him over before moving him onto my back. His whimpers never stopped, and tears stung my eyes.

I wiped them away, then turned back into a dragon. My only hope then was that he wasn't in too much pain.

I started back for the incline as the rain poured down on us.

Soon enough, I was back up, not far from where we fell.

I turned away from the gap in the ground and started towards where I felt we needed to go.

The need to move fast was ever present, but I didn't want to hurt Leo even more. I wove through the trees, keeping an eye out for anything coming for us. My senses heightened, and my adrenaline driving me forward.

I stepped through the trees, my eyes landing on the path. I looked over the area before finding tents set up nearby. I rushed over to them, my eyes landing on Elise and Sakura.


Takumi looked up before rushing over to us. I turned back into a human, my knees falling to the ground.

"What happened?" Takumi asked as he and Oboro reached us.

"Iago and my clone pushed us off a cliff-"

"A cliff?!"

I winced as Leo whimpered.

"Leo needs medical attention. Now!"

Oboro helped lift Leo from my back, then took him over to one of the tents. Xander stepped out of another, his eyes widening when he spotted Leo.

"Everyone is back at camp?" I asked him.

He opened his mouth, his eyes widening further.

"I thought they were with you."

My chest grew cold at the realization. I pushed myself to my feet, then started back for the trees.

"Amethyst, wait-!"

"I have to find Camilla!"

I turned back into a dragon, then took off into the trees. The pain in my body only grew worse as I kept going. But until I found Camilla, I couldn't rest.

My eyes landed on a limping shadow, and I moved over to them. Niles looked up at me, his eyes wide. Beruka's arm wrapped around his shoulder as he held her up.

"Lady Camilla-" Beruka started.

I took off in the direction they'd come from. I grew frantic as panic slowly grew, making me sick.

I slid to a stop in a clearing. Camilla clung tight to her ax, before dodging a ball of magic. Iago stood at the other side of the clearing, his tome open in his hand. My clone stepped into the clearing, her expression blank as she watched me.

I stopped next to Camilla, my tail swinging behind me.


I stepped forward, blocking Camilla with my body.

"I'd hoped you'd died down in that ditch. It's a shame, but now I can finish the job!"

I growled as my clone held up her own tome. Before I could think, I'd rushed forward, trying to knock her down. She backed up before moving away from Iago. I moved after her, swinging wildly as my emotions took control.

She dodged every attack I threw at her before running around me. I turned around, my eyes landing on her as she targeted Camilla. My eyes widened as Camilla fell to her knees.

She looked up, her eyes widening. I turned to rush over to her, but I was too slow. A ball of magic shot from my clone and Iago towards Camilla, knocking her back.

A chill spread through my body as she hit the ground. I rushed for her, and my clone moved out of the way. I turned back into a human, and my pain only grew worse.


She opened her eyes, giving me a pained smile.

"I-I'm al-alright..." she whispered.

Tears stung my eyes, then I turned and glared at my clone. She could only smirk at me as she stopped by Iago.

"Till we meet again, dear Mey!"

I grit my teeth as they turned, moving into the trees. I started after them, but Camilla grabbed my wrist.

"Let them go. We nee-need to join the others..."

A ball of magic moved towards us, knocking us back. I flew into a tree, letting out a cry. My pain grew to an extreme level as I landed on the ground. I lifted my head and found Camilla laying nearby.

She struggled to move, lifting her head, before falling still. I grit myself, then pushed myself to my feet. I just needed to get Camilla back to the others.

I limped to where Camilla lay before kneeling next to her.

"I'm sorry," I whispered as I lifted her onto my back.

I turned into a dragon, then carried Camilla back to the camp.

The numb feeling grew as I limped forward. Minutes passed before I reached the edge of the trees. The camp came into view, and I left the woods. My transformation fell before I could make it across the path. I collapsed on the ground, and just lay there.

Everything hurt and guilt ate away at me. Tears stung my eyes, and I managed to lift my head. No one had noticed us. I wanted to call out, but I wasn't sure I could.

I looked back at Camilla, but she was dead asleep. I grit my teeth before lifting my torso. I turned to camp, then took in a deep breath.

"HELP!" I screamed.

My body fell to the ground as my tears slipped from my eyes. Footsteps pounded towards us as my consciousness slipped from my grasp.

"Help us," I whispered as a group surrounded us.

My eyes closed as the pain took over, and I passed out.

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