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Principality of Kua Toine,Ministry of Foreign affairs

''Gentlemen,the Delegation To Russia is almost ready,Currently Russia Claims it want to establish Diplomatic ties,But so far we don't know if they will be like Lauria and discriminate against demihumans,for this i have selected specialists from the main ministries.Due to that is what i grant them the highest authority so that trade with Russia becomes the strength of our Nation'' Said Kanata

''Russia has Said we will board their Ship called an aircraft carrier,they will leave in the morning in 3 days,make sure you have everything ready by then.Upon arrival in Russia you will stay in an inn in a city called Riga,There you will spend another 2 days to learn about their Culture,their customs and their rules,so that their stay in Russia is not very difficult.After those 2 days we will usa a transport called ''Airplane'' 5 hours later they will arrive at the Capital of Russia,Moscow'' Finished Kanata

Maihark port,3 days later

''We must make sure that we meet the objectives that have been given,Understand?''

They all nodded in response.

One of those objectives was to measure Russia's level of technology and if it was possible for them to export that technology to Kua Toine,also to measure their military power in order to see if they were a threat.The least they needed now was another hostile country and even more because they had no defense against that iron dragon,they were already very busy with the situation with the Kingdom of Lauria that they did not stop strengthening and increasing their military forces,a war it was imminent and in front of Lauria they had no chance.

''Hey,did anyone else find the schedules strange regarding  the trip to Russia and about the time in which we will be on the way to the Capital?'' asked a young man with black hair.

Before an answer can be made,the Russian Diplomat,Vladimir Sokolev arrives.

''Good morning Gentleman,My name is Vladimir Sokolev,I will accompany you on your diplomatic mission,For our trip to Russia You will Join Me on our Aircraft Carrier,please follow me'' Spoke Vladimir

''Agh,i hate boat trips there are so many things to worry about it's dark and humid,plus you can get sick during long voyages there's also the problem of food,usually there's only bread,The water is not clean and you have to ration it,and finally the long journey,although it says 2 days,i highly doubt that'' Said one of the Ministers

Soon as they got closer to the port they saw a ship the size of an island at the dock

Soon as they got closer to the port they saw a ship the size of an island at the dock

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The Diplomats were shocked at the size of the ship that would take them to Riga.

''What size!'' said the ministers

''That Ship is the 18 member of the Minsk-class,we shall use that ship to move'' Explained Sokolev.

The Diplomats could not get a word out due to the shock,in front of them was a grey ship without any imperfections,had no sails or oars,and the biggest shock? there was more of them,The sheer size to make one would destroy their economy,so how did Russia make over 18?

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