The Empire's in crisis(2)

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Russian Empire,Siberia,Gulag

Special Class A Dragon Knight Reckmeyer of the Papaldia Empire's imperial oversight army learned to read Russian after spending so much time reading Russian newspapers.

The Gulag only got newspapers every once in a while; the one he was reading that day featured articles about Russia and the Papaldia Empire, as well as the latest announcements from the governments of other countries.After the Naval Battle of Fenn, the number of prisoners jumped up to 25,000, including someone who was aboard the 120-gun ship-of-the-line Pall, commanded from there, fought against Russia's warships,then was thrown out to sea when the Pall sunk: the empire's General Cius.The prisoners were forced to do hard labor day after day,of 25 000 just 2 months ago,6000 had been killed in various ways,but when all formed a chain and demanded better food,the guards told them that if they could get 3000 tons of stone that day then they would receive the best meals for the rest of their time in the gulag,2000 people died that died by now they ate like kings and earned the respect of the guards who treated some with equal respect.

Reckmeyer was reading a newspaper, and General Cius was seated next to him.

It was a rather comical sight.

Reckmeyer just read silently. Depending on the severity of the news, his expression would become grim, his brow would scrunch up, sweat would trickle down his face, and his fingers would start to shake. This had happened only once before, but this time his face became pale.

"What is it? Reckmeyer, what's written there? Come on, tell me."

Having warred with Russia face to face and experienced with his body the might of the Russian forces, General Cius had a bad premonition.

"Hooh... General Cius, stay calm and listen carefully."

"Yes, yes!"

"First,Russia attacked Altarus and wiped out all imperial forces stationed there. The Kingdom of Altarus was freed from the empire."

"I knew it... I expected that would happen."

"After reclaiming Altarus, they renovated Mu's base in Altarus and used it to launch an attack directly on the homeland."

"Goodness! Even the homeland? How did the empire respond? The homeland's defense is unparalleled."

"Right. The empire sent the main navy to face Russia's fleet, and, for Russia's aerial forces, they completed those wyvern overlords that were still being tested before, got them battle ready, and deployed them to fight in the air."

"So, what was the result?"

"...The main navy was annihilated, and the Esthirant bases was destroyed by an attack from the air.Duro lost most factories and Parneus no longer exist as a major city"

Cius was speechless; the damage far surpassed his predictions.


Sweat began to bead on Cius's forehead.

"Since the capital's defenses had been weakened, the empire recalled the governing board armies in all the territories.At the same time,Queen Lumiess of Altarus began instigating revolts. All the territories ended up revolting at the same time,and we lost control of them all."

"Preposterous!!! That's not something she could accomplish by herself, just because she's also from a country outside the civilized areas.Russia... they're far too strong! How did she do it?!"

"Finally, all the territories formed an alliance, declared war on the empire, and captured Arunie."

"That's not possible! Something's wrong there.There's no way those territories could defeat the empire!!!"

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