Night before the Battle

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Imperial capital Runepolis, Holy Mirishial Empire

The Holy Mirishial Empire. A country blessed by the riches of the world. In the middle of the country is the most adorned capital of Runepolis and in the heart of the city lies the imperial castle where the Emperor resides.

Hirkane Parpe, the Director of the Antiquities Department of Ancient Arms Analysis Tactical Operations of the Imperial Ministry of Countermeasures Against the Ancient Sorcerous Empire, was visiting the imperial castle due to a summon order from His Excellency.

Since it was a direct order from His Excellency, he nervously stood in front of the room. The doors opened, and he entered the room in the direction of the Emperor's attendants.

Set in the middle of the room are tables and chairs, and placed on top of the table are cups of the Empire's local specialty of tea, with slight vapors emanating from them. At the end of the table sat the ruler of the world, Emperor Mirishial.

"Take a seat. Let's have a cup of tea while we talk."

At the Emperor's word, he sat down on one of the seats.

"Nervous, are you? Well, drink up. The tea is great."

It cannot be helped to feel jittery in the presence of the Emperor, who is said to reside at the heart of the world. It is the most unusual for His Excellency, the Emperor, to summon a director of one of the ministries. He filled his mouth with one gulp of tea. He couldn't feel the flavor due to his nervousness.

"Your Excellency, what business do you have for me on this occasion?"

The Antiquities Department of Ancient Arms Analysis Tactical Operations of the Ministry of Countermeasures Against the Ancient Sorcerous Empire has something to do with the superweapons of the ancient sorcerous empire that were excavated from the Empire's regions.

They are a department responsible for the analysis and integration of these superweapons into the Empire's military assets and sometimes, the maintenance, analysis, and operation of weapons that are still functional.

The fact that the head of the department most needed in the coming war against the ancient sorcerous empire was summoned at this time...

"Do you guess to the reason for why I have summoned you?"

"Have you caught signs of the ancient sorcerous empire's revival?"

"No. This is regarding the Gra Valkas Empire."

As the head of the Holy Mirishial Empire's superweapons operations department, Hirkane Parpe couldn't comprehend why he was summoned for a mere non-civilized country.

"Are they the barbarian country that conducted a surprise attack on the port city of Cartalpas? I was told that Defense Minister Agra had deployed 3 fleets with the World Union to destroy the enemy fleet gathered off the coast of Leifor."


The Emperor slowly started to speak.

"As an extremely cautious person who wants to be doubly assured, I am thinking of introducing the ancient weapons into this war... To assure complete annihilation of this Gra Valkas Empire and its fleet...The aerial battleship Pal Chimera... Yes! That's it. Deploy 2 vessels at once."


The Empire possesses 4 excavated vessels of the ancient sorcerous empire's aerial battleship Pal Chimera, with only 2 of those vessels operational.For him to send out 2 of those extremely powerful vessels against a non-civilized country; he couldn't believe what he had just heard.

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