Side Chapter 6:Ultimate Weapons

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(A/N:this chapters is short because there's not much detail to give)

Russian Empire,Kazakhstan,July 18 1643(1945)

Inside a 25 meter thick bunker was a group of scientist and the now 77 year old Tsar

Today was a historic day,because the Russian Atomic Program was complete,a 100 megaton Nuke was to be exploded at the test site 100km away.

Since 1937,Russia had begun to make plans for a Nuclear bomb,but when the war began it was put on pause,but since they were in a new world,the project,that costed 3B$ yearly,was now ready,as the money they spent would be showed today,The Tsar put on his glasses as he then began to speak.

''We begin in 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1''said the Voice of the Tsar

Just then  a gigantic mushroom cloud was made,at 25 km high it was the largest man made bomb ever made,A bomb that could wipe out entire cities in a moment and the fake town of 88 000 they made for this test vanished and what remained was nothing,no wood,stone or steel could be seen,The cloud had gotten rid of it.

Just then  a gigantic mushroom cloud was made,at 25 km high it was the largest man made bomb ever made,A bomb that could wipe out entire cities in a moment and the fake town of 88 000 they made for this test vanished and what remained was nothing,...

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''...Amazing...with this we can have all we ever wanted''said the Tsar,stunned by not only the size but also the sheer power it could mean

''...Yes your Imperial Majesty,we have control of weapons from God himself''said a scientist

''...I want 500 of these by june of 1644''said the Tsar in a cold voice as he left

''It will be done!''they said as they were happy to serve the state

Later when Russia told the Military of the Bomb,they not only worried what this would spell to Russia's enemies but also the damage the people would have.

July 19 1643(1945)

A pilot flew in a plane,it was the Mig-15,with 4 23mm cannons and a top speed of 1150KM/H it was fast,versatile,and extremely maneuverable,After doing some high rate turns and Climing to 10 000 Meters and breaking 4 records of speed at once,1150KM/H,1300KM/H,1600KM/H and 1667KM/H,the pilot felt this plane was going to forever change the fate of aerial warfare.

A pilot flew in a plane,it was the Mig-15,with 4 23mm cannons and a top speed of 1150KM/H it was fast,versatile,and extremely maneuverable,After doing some high rate turns and Climing to 10 000 Meters and breaking 4 records of speed at once,1150KM...

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''Base this is test pilot,over''said the pilot

''this is base,over''said the commander

''This is my final opinion of the ''Jet''.I like it,its fast,has good turn rate and can reach up to 10 500 meters in the air''said the Pilot''i fell like no one in the world would be able to beat me in a dogfight''

''...Good,But don't get too cocky,they could be someone out that could,now come land,there should be a button to activate the air brakes,push it''said the commander

As the pilot zoomed in the runway and came to a stop,he got out to see hundreds clapping at him,As he thank them,2 men came to him,Okhana men,the whole place got quiet

''Good job,With this the Empire shall rise from the ashes and defeat all foes''he said as he took the hands of the pilot and with his friend picked him up and carried him away

''Eh...was that a kidnapping?''asked a fellow pilot

''I have no idea...well let see it the TU-14 is ready to go''said another pilot

And so Russia now had 2 weapons that on Earth was feared to hell,and with those weapons a new dawn of Russian Warfare now existed,History had made Russia a powerful player,But one major question remained,Are they alone?


''what do you mean that we can't make a missile yet?''said the Tsar''last i saw the project was nearly done,what the hell happened?''

''...Well your,Imperial Majesty,The M-1,can be built cheap and their is no problems but...It's the speed,it can only go 750KM/H for 25 minutes,the one you wanted could go double that and 3 times as long''said the Scientist''But the good news is the Sputnik 1 can be launched in 1646 or 1647,Then maybe the M-1 would be to your most impressive standards''

''...I want you to finished the M-1 program as soon as possible,and i want ship and air variants,i don't care if you have to bleed,get it Done!''said the Tsar

''Y-Yes! Your Imperial Majesty!''they said as they left

The Missile program of M-1 had been under way since 1641,and even though the M-1 was made it was 1/2 as fast and only 1/3 as long in the air,but progress was progress,Russia would soon breach space,they would make missiles that could hit from 3000km away,Time was with no one,But in Russia,Progress was with them.

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