The End of the Kingdom of Riem

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Hilkiga, Kingdom of Riem

King Banks and General Rival were looking at the Gra Valkas Empire airbase from the royal castle.

"It's gotten quite busy over there, huh."

People have been running back and forth throughout the airbase since a while ago.

"They're probably preparing for another attack.Any country that receives that many attacks in a single day wouldn't be able to put up a resistance no matter what.Still,we're talking about that Russia here.They may not have been able to completely destroy their intended targets."

Rival points to the radar site near the control tower.

"Your Majesty,the thing spinning over there is the hallmark of the Gra Valkas Empire's super advanced tech.It's a machine that enables them to see from far beyond what can be seen visually.It can immediately detect incoming enemies, allowing them to intercept them."

King Banks replies with astonishment.

"No...Is that From the ancient sorcerous empire...The technology they employed in the fairytales...?"

"Indeed. It's something that's similar to the magic-to-electrical wave reflection detector thingamajigs that the ancient sorcerous empire used."

King Banks couldn't find the words to express his emotions. What he saw in front of him was similar to the weapons used by the ancient sorcerous empire which he heard from tales. He couldn't help but feel the power held by the Gra Valkas Empire.

Rival continues.

"If an enemy unexpectedly breaks through their aerial defenses, the base has those weapons called anti-aircraft guns. It's strikingly similar to the anti-air magic cannons used by the Holy Mirishial Empire but it seems that they can reach even the highest of altitudes."

"As expected of the empire which boasts that they will rule over the world.Tech...Numbers... I'm truly glad that we took the side of the empire."

"Me too. The continuity of Your Majesty's royal reign has been secured too."

"Yes! I feel sorry for Russia but once they're done for, let's pick up the pieces left behind and use it as sustenance for the kingdom! Hahaha!"

After seeing the radar sites possessed by the Gra Valkas Empire in their airbase, King Banks was absolutely confident.

Who could even lay waste to an army this powerful? No one, of course. We weren't wrong.

The Imperial Army possessed the power to at least convince them of their victory.

"Hahahaha! Wait, what's that?"

Suddenly, the radar site that King Banks was looking at erupted into flames as it was obliterated into pieces.


A short while after seeing the explosion, a thundering roar shook King Banks's body. The force of the explosion was tremendous.

The smoke gradually cleared, revealing the place where the steel radar site used to be. All that was left of it was burning scrap.

"What the hell is go-"

Bam! Bada Bada Bada Boom!


In rapid succession, the anti-aircraft gun emplacements,control tower,reserve fuel tanks,the fighters trying to take off, and the ones parked neatly were all engulfed in explosions. The fuel tanks and fighters that were set on fire emitted intense, black smoke, darkening the sky above the royal capital.And the beast that caused all of this were 1000 grey demons,flying faster than anything they ever seen before.

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