The Kingdom of Riem Behind the Scenes

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Capital Hilkiga, Kingdom of Riem, Third Civilization Area

Feldas, Chief of the Foreign Diplomatic Measures Department's Maritime Nations Division, was preoccupied with his thoughts. They have just been ordered by the King to expel Mu diplomats and freeze the assets of Russian businesses and citizens.They were to implement these measures soon but the expulsion of Russian citizens in the kingdom was postponed for later. In the letter issued by the King, they were told to absolutely convey the thought that they bear no hostile will against Russia.

However, from whatever angle anyone approaches this, it is clear that what they're doing conveys hostile intentions.Still,they were ordered to say otherwise. The Russian ambassador was scheduled to come and likely discuss this matter.

"Hm. Whatever. We won't be attacking their country in any form whatsoever."Feldas, who has been in deep shit before,was brimming in confidence.

Knock knock

Someone was knocking on the door.

"Chief Feldas, the Russian ambassador has come to see you."

"So they have..."

Bracing himself, he headed for the reception room.

Diplomat meeting room

Russian ambassador Andrei waited in the reception room.From the moment he entered the room,he felt tense and tingly.Since Russia is considered a major power,it would be division chief Feldas and his subordinates who will be taking point for the side of the Kingdom of Riem.Their talks started with the topic of economic measures towards Russia.

"Regarding the freezing of Russian assets,what do you intend to convey with such action? The Government of Russia expresses its regret and dissatisfaction with your country's behavior. We demand you to promptly lift these measures."

Fielding a terrifyingly menacing look,Andrei demanded the rollback of Riem's measures from Feldas.His large build added to his sense of intimidation,enough to convey his vigor.

"This is for the Kingdom to decide. It is too late to overturn."Feldas asserts.

Russian businesses have moved to all sorts of countries and the Kingdom of Riem was no exception. With many businesses having found their footing in the kingdom, they were boosting both the Kingdom's and Russia's economy.If their assets were to be frozen,the economic damage would amount to a few of billions of Rubles,making life for the individual Russian citizen in Riem far,far more unbearable.

"That is undoubtedly regrettable.When you do get to the point that you freeze our assets,Russia will be forced to take retaliatory measures,such as an export ban and the freezing of your assets,and most likely a naval embargo.I am demanding that you immediately lift these measures."said Andrei

"There is... no other way."replied Fledas

"Then,for all intents and purposes,we will consider that your country is taking a hostile stance against Russia,in that case we might put you into the same boat as the Gra Valkas Empire. Are you certain about this?"retorted Andrei

Dropping his tone,Andrei glared at Feldas.Feldas returned the glare by looking down on Andrei.

"How scandalous. We are not taking hostile measures against you. It is simply our opposing economic opinions.It doesn't mean that we have taken up arms against you."replied Feldas

"Then I will ask. Your country has given the port of Xenia to the Gra Valkas Empire and has also severed diplomatic relations with Mu.If other countries were to see this, how many of them do you think would think that your country bears no hostile intention? Every single one of them would come to the conclusion that you are taking a hostile stance.And Russia will not hesitate to do what it must to preserve our survival"said Andrei in a cold tone

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