The arrogance of the powerful(1)

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Holy Mirishial Empire, Port Town Cartalpas, Imperial Cultural Center

For today's working-level diplomatic meeting, the Holy Mirishial Empire notified every participant that they had an urgent announcement to make.

Having just arrived at the cultural center, the Russian delegation ran into the Empire of Anionnrial's delegation. Based on the documents they had received in advance, they knew that Anionnrial was a magic-based nation that was in charge of the southern countries outside the civilized areas,and have attended every leadership conference to date.They themselves were an island nation outside the civilized areas,and they effectively had full control of the 2 large continents in the southern part of the world.No one ever sets foot on their homeland; foreign relations were limited to a single northern island about half the size of Latvia called "Bushpaka Latan." In terms a Russian person might understand, they had enacted "Near total isolation"

Because everyone thought of them as a country outside the civilized areas,no one was interested in them at the conference. They were only invited as barbarians that "just happened" to control a huge amount of land. Their people were not humans; they had wings growing from their backs—one white, one black.

However, they were very much a country of interest for the Russian government. Based on their Spies,Bushpaka Latan,their sole window to the outside world, was completely dark at night. In contrast, looking instead at their mainland,the amount of artificial lighting they had rivaled that of the Holy Mirishial Empire and the Gra Valkas Empire, and photographs revealed that their capital was very advanced,Over 298 spies were lost trying to get photos.

The boats the Empire of Anionnrial used to travel to Cartalpas were a fleet of old-fashioned sailboats,something clearly less advanced than what other countries used.The Russian government had already discerned that the ships being serviced at their home country's ports were as sophisticated as the Holy Mirishial Empire's magic ships,though.As such they were put into a special categories of nations:Threat level 1 of 5.

Vasily had received a directive from the Tsar to look into this empire if he had the chance,so he called out to their delegation. "Pleased to make your acquaintance.You are from the Empire of Anionnrial, correct?"


Though this person's face was emotionless, their eyes betrayed a lack of interest in addition to obvious scorn.

"My name is Vasily, and I am a diplomat from the country of Russia.My government is very interested in your country.If we seek to establish diplomatic relations with you in the future, I hope you'll remember that we are very much hoping to associate with you and treat us well."

"Is that so? You may already know this, but our country only deals with foreign affairs from our northern island of Bushpaka Latan. If you would like to open negotiations,please travel there.In addition,be aware that trade with the southern countries under our control is strictly prohibited, so please send any requests for cultural exchange to said island as well."said the Diplomat

While the words spoken were courteous, it was clear as day that they had zero interest in Russia. Or really, looking back over the past few days of the conference,they had never shown any interest in anyone period.

"By the way, does your country limit relations with every other country to this northern island?"asked Vasily''and what would happen if we traded with those under your protection?''

"Yes, this was decreed by our homeland; any visitations from other countries is expressly forbidden.And if any tried to trade with them we shall simply get hid of your vessels"

"Is it possible to fully experience your culture when visiting the island?"

"Yes, Bushpaka Latan may be the gate to all of the southern countries, but it is also still part of our country. Of course, its culture is the same. But why would you ask such a thing?"

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