Unlocking the power's of the world

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Odessa Imperial Hotel

The Russian Ministry of Foreign affairs was hosting the delegation from the Holy Mirishial Empire, holding a kind of cultural exchange session prior to starting diplomatic negotiations. Currently, they were being shown a Film giving an overview of Russia.

The video covered a wide range of topics including nature,Slavic culture,construction technology,Previous wars like Napoleon and many other topics.Basically,they were being inundated with innocuous information. Anything about the current military was put off for later in order to minimize the risk of leaking defense technology or information.

No matter which country was asked, the answer to the question "who's the strongest in the world?" was always "the Holy Mirishial Empire," so Russia was quite excited to receive Mirishial's envoys,until they leared by their spies they were weaker than Russia on land and air.After the war with the Papaldia Empire was over, internal research concluded that their being so severely underestimated directly led to the tragedy of Nishinomiyako.Therefore,this time,although they wouldn't be revealing any current military secrets,the government decided to make this film to subtly hint at Russia's technological advancement and national power,the parade was also decided to show the Holy Mirishial Empire that Russia was not afraid;they wanted to avoid giving off an impression of weakness.

The entire delegation was enthralled by the video. Finally, once it was over, the staff from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs launched into an introductory speech.

"Greetings to the envoys from the Holy Mirishial Empire. Thank you for making the long journey to visit our country of Russia. My name is Andrei,and I am with the Russia Ministry of Foreign Affairs.As we explained in advance,today and tomorrow are set aside for cultural exchange;we would be happy if everyone here could learn just a little bit more about our glorious Russia. Today, we will be sightseeing on our way to Moscow.But first,we would like to celebrate the newly-formed relationship between our two countries with a meal. We have set aside 2 hours for this meal, after which we will make our way to the Odessa train station,so please,take time to relax and enjoy yourselves."said Andrei

Once the speech was over, an assortment of food was served to each table. After trying out some of the food, Information Officer Rydorka turned and struck up a conversation with the diplomat Phiam, sitting beside him.

"Ooh, this is delicious... Mister Phiam, what did you think of the recording from earlier? I could barely contain my excitement after seeing such outrageous technology! If everything they showed us was true, for example their train that runs on iron roads, then, if we compare to our own train... they can travel faster than what we have planned for our future transportation vehicle.They say their train runs commercially throughout the entire country, and they've improved it to the point that they've had only 77 civilian deaths due to accidents for the last 50 years,quite the safety record. It would be astonishing if true."Rydorka said

"Yes...... Yes, it would be.Russia seems to have done quite well for itself. I am honestly moved that a culture devoted entirely to science could advance this far. However, considering that they completely excluded any information about their level of magic, it's going to be very difficult to estimate how much national power they have."said Phiam

"Indeed, if they don't use much magic, we can't really tell where they're really at. What do you think, Baeluno?"asked Rydorka

"Frankly, if the recording is all true,then not only are they above Mu in terms of technological power, but they even surpass us with regards to industry.To tell you the truth, the fact that they have an actual working train that runs 188 kilometers per hour throughout their entire country...it scares me. Getting something to go that fast on rails isn't in itself that difficult. What's truly frightening is the number and frequency. In one day, they could have 1088 different trains traveling 188 kilometers per hour across their country,all at the same time; our country doesn't have the technology to manage that.''said Baeluno"That's not all. This country has many mountain ranges,so they use tunnels to travel under them.They surely go through tunnels and pass other trains quite frequently.The technology needed to dampen the shockwaves generated from traveling at that speed is very advanced. It's something our empire itself would love to have."Technical Officer Baeluno gave out his honest impressions. They wanted to continue discussing it, but a Russian person from the front of the hall was coming towards then. This person stopped before their table and bowed.

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