Will of the Superpowers(3)

640 21 5

Leiforia, Leifor region

Due to the atmospheric temperature being colder than that of the seawater temperature, evaporating water from the oceans rapidly condensed, clouding the coastline with a thick layer of fog. An open terrace eatery situated on slightly elevated terrain, which usually had a good atmosphere, was less stellar to be in due to the fog. There, two men were having a meal together. One of them was human and the other a dwarf. Their appearance didn't fit the rather chic theme of the eatery, but this bothered them not and continued to chow down on their breakfast of milk and bread as they talked.

"Oi, oi; did you hear? It seems that a Gra Valkan home fleet lost to a single Mirishial warship!"

The dwarf, in his gruff, loud voice, repeated the story he had heard at a tavern yesterday. Since he was drunk then he didn't remember the exact details, but the fact that the despised Gra Valkas Empire had been dealt a massive blow alone was enough to get the mood going.

"That's amazing!"

The human felt his body shake at the long awaited good news.

"Huh?! What was that?!"

It appears that a Gra Valkan soldier overheard them.

"Oi! I'm asking you what you just said!"

He promptly walked straight towards them.

"Hm? We're just talking about how shit the weather is lately."

"Don't you dare lie! I heard you mention the imperial home fleet! You brazen barbarian scum dare hide stuff from us Gra Valkans?!"

He seemed like a guy who'd have zero fun at parties.

The two Leiforians, with their pent-upped rage that went unvented, exacerbated by resentment they couldn't hold back, lashed out.

"Shut the fuck up!"

"What'd you say?!"

 "We said that your proud little home fleet got wiped out by a single Mirishial warship!"

The lowly Gra Valkan soldier, having yet to hear news of the defeat, was enraged by the excruciating insolence of the barbarians.

"You barbarian punks still haven't learned your lesson in just how powerful we Gra Valkans are?! The home fleet you're referring to might be the aircraft carrier task force deployed off the Irnetian coast. The strike power of that task force alone is enough to wipe out your 'superpower' Leiforian fleet 100 times over! There's no way in hell they'd lose to one ship, even if it were from the so-called world's strongest!"

"You're just a grunt though, right? Maybe they haven't told you yet? Even then, are what your 'almighty' superiors telling you true? Just look at your front lines for gods' sake! Instead of gobbling up the info they feed you, why not try making out the situation with that head of yours?"

The soldier's eyes widened. He had dealt with arrogant people before, but there had never been anyone as disrespectful to a Gra Valkan soldier as these two. He swiftly took out his gun against them.

"You little–!"


He shot the man dead

"Even if what you said is true, another powerful fleet will be sent from the empire itself! Not even a single ship will survive that!"

The Room went silent.Soon some more troops came in to see why a Gunshot was heard

"You punks! What the fuck are you doing?!"

Hearing the shout, the soldier immediately stood upright.

"Sir! These gentlemen were spitting off nonsense about our home fleet being defeated by a Mirishial warship!"

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