Radio Broadcast

366 19 0

11 days after the 11 nation conference disater

''Your Imperial Majesty,we are ready''said a man in front of radio equipment''We just need you to say something in the microphone''

''Russia''said the Tsar

''Good and we are live in 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 and now''said the man as a red light went on

''RUSSIANS,citizens,brothers and sisters,men of our Army and Navy!

My words are addressed to you,dear friends!

And to the world that is listening to me,I address you as well!

11 day ago we were at peace,not wanting to enact any attempt at war or to provoke nations into armed conflict,But the Gra Valkas Empire,which like Imperial Japan and Hitler's Germany neither wants peace or makes any attempts to hide it's intentions of armed attack,we should have seen such barbarity from them,but we had others problems to worry about,but now the angry bear was awoken,The Great Patriotic war has begun.

How could it have happened that our glorious Imperial Navy was defeated by fascist navy so easily? Is it really true that the Gra Valkas-fascist troops are invincible, as the braggart fascist propagandists are ceaselessly blaring forth? Is it true that Russia is doomed to fall?

Of course not! History shows us that there are no invincible armies and never have been. Napoleon's army was considered invincible,but it was beaten successively by the armies of Russia,England and Germany. Kaiser Wilhelm's German army in the period of the First World War was also considered invincible, but it was beaten several times by Russian and Anglo-French troops, and was finally smashed by the Anglo-French forces.The same must be said of Gralux's Gra Valkas-fascist army of today.This army had not yet met with serious resistance on the world stage.Only against our ship and our crew has it met with serious resistance.And if as a result of this resistance the finest divisions of Gralux's Gra Valkas-fascist planes have been defeated by our Imperial Navy,this means that it too can be smashed and will be smashed,as were the armies of Napoleon and Wilhelm.

It should be noted that Russia shall not fall as history shows that when Russia is at war by enemy powers with intent to kill all,she shall prevail,this was the case with Poland,Sweden,France,The Communists and now Gra Valkas,our nation is ready to give all it's blood to defend themselves from losing all they hold dear,A great redemption war for our failure in the first world war has been forced upon us,it is fate we prevail in our good name.Let it be known to the whole world that our cause is just and we,the defender of the Salvic world...Nay the only salvic nation shall see through to absolute victory.Our rallying cry will be of total victory of the fallen states of Leifor and other that may fall into the hands of the Gra Valkans.Our policy on war is always the same since the days of the Kievan Rus,victory at any cost,Victory no matter what,That is our policy.

You may ask,What is the Gra Valkan army?

First of all you have presumed incorrectly that they are truly an army,They are not an army of principle or honor like that of France or Britain,instead they are an army of bandits,an army of marauders of death and enslavement.Their first victory of banditry was Panganda,then Leifor and now they set their eyes on total global domination,it seems their first prize falls on us.They take all their food,metals,goods,cars and more back home,making the enslaved work to death for no pay.they also rape,burn and pillage all they see that do not fit their ''perfect '' world.we must stop them from achieving this wicked goal,the enslaved must break it's chains and to save their heritage and resources from the Graluxrite bandits such i say to the whole world:Death to the bandits of Gra Valkas!,To hell with Gralux's forces of enslavers!.

That is why the whole of our valiant White Army,the whole of our valiant Navy,all the falcons of our Air Force ,all the peoples of our country,all the finest men and women of Mu,Lauria and the H.M.E and finally,all the finest men and women of Gra Valkas denounce the treacherous acts of the Gra Valkas-fascists,sympathize with the Russian Government and her people,approve its conduct,and see that ours is a just cause,that the enemy will be defeated and that we are bound to win.To those I say we shall overcome this trial against the Gra Valkas,if necessary for years,if necessary alone,if needed to the last drop of slavic blood,we must win for our families and the free world.

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