Russia's fury on Lauria(2)

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Junfilla looked over the formation of 20,000 soldiers, feeling satisfied.

They were a magnificent sight,his polished and fearless army. This Russia might be quite strong, but his men wouldn't go down easily.

?!... All of a sudden, his idle thoughts vanished and his mind became crystal clear. t was a strange occurrence, considering there weren't any enemies... He wondered why he had this feeling of imminent doom. What was going on?

Then he heard a shill that made him shiver in pure fear,the sound of death


"Wha-What the hell?!?!?!"

People began exploding one after another, dying in droves.Then,More sounds from hell was made as the entire camp was turned into a field of flames and death,Junfilla hoped that whatever was happening would stop,But the Russians won't give them respite,the Relentless Russian storm was just beginning


Back at the Fort

General Nho of the Kua Toine army could not believe what he was seeing.

"What is... going on...? Did a volcano erupt under their camp...?"

The enemy soldiers were blown up and smothered in smoke,explosions going off one after another.Every time a black flower bloomed,enemies were bowled over.Their army had been well-trained and well-organized.That trim and tidy image was quickly disappearing.They were quite literally being annihilated, like ants being held up to a magic flame.And the sound they heard was making even their most seasoned veterans shaking in fear.

Only a small area of the camp was unaffected by the onslaught.The soldiers had formed into ranks across a huge, wide area.His fearsome enemies...they were given no chance to leave behind anything of their lives,their time,their training,as they were simply snuffed out like insects.There was no glorious battle or chivalry to be found,there were simply pitiful men being culled in the most efficient way possible.

"Wha... wha... what powerful explosion magic!!! Such a long range for their spells! Is everyone in the Russian army a high mage?! Wait,even if all 30 000 of them were high mages,they couldn't generate this much power! Is Russia allied with the holy dragon, then?!"

Inside the castle of Ejey, the citizens of Kua Toine were watching the slaughter dumbfoundedly and with fear to the site of True Russian Power.

Junfilla was going mad with despair as he watched his men being eliminated systematically. Comrades-in-arms,stalwart veterans,talented generals,an upper knight who was courting a member of his house,friends with whom he trained,sweated,spilled blood,all of them,the more he thought that they had died in vain,the more he cried,and the more he died a little inside.

However,the god of death wasn't about to let him alone escape.The way he was pushed by the explosion,how it looked as his body was blown apart,pieces flying every which way,became his final memory.Their mighty sorcery tore apart the tilled land.After the dust settled,not a single person, not even a single horse, had survived.

Ejey,Commander post

Nho couldn't describe the attack happening before his eyes.In the short time that he had been lamenting the departure from his ideal of honorable combat,the furious assault had thoroughly destroyed their powerful enemy,the Laurian army.

"So this... is the strength... of the Russian army..." said Nho

''No,this is nothing but a fraction of what we can do,Now let us drive to Gim before the enemy realize what happened''Said Timoshenko,face devoid of any emotion.

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