Side Chapter 9:Dreams of the Past

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Moscow,Summer Palace,July 17 1644,Night

Scribble Scribble

The Tsar was writing on a piece of paper,it was a list of names,over 200 names of various people,soldiers,priests,scholars and more,most of those names were now crossed out,After getting up he went to the door and peaked out.There he saw a soldier standing firm,the Tsar called out to him.

''Soldier,Give this letter to the head of the Okhana,after you do this,inform him to put them all that are not crossed out in Siberia'' Spoke the Tsar

''Yes! It will be done your Imperial Majesty!''said the soldier as he walked away

As the Tsar returned to his papers,he saw a gift from his heir,Vladimir on the table,he had nearly forgotten about it,the gift was a weird looking fruit,to him it reminded him of a pineapple but red ,as he took a closer look he saw a note on it.

''Hey Nikki! I give you this fruit as a gift! it's name is angel fruit,it is said that it gives good dreams to all that eat it,Enjoy!''

''Huh,a fruit,that's a weird gift,well let's eat then''said the Tsar as he grabbed a plate and cutting tools and began to prepare a little snack before bed.

As he eat he looked at a photo from many years ago.It was his brother,Micheal and his own family in the Winter palace in 1911,his smile quickly vanished as he remembered what day it was,it was the day he lost everyone he loved,as he looked on in sadness,he cried a single tear.He finished the fruit in silence,because it was no use crying over the past.


As the Tsar went to his bed,he felt something in the back of his mind,The feeling of great sorrow ,but when he went to bed,it was gone,like every day,his pain of the past would come and he closed his eyes,he felt at peace,it was a very stressful month,with Bragation being such a huge operation,it took a small toll on his health.But as he felt the sleep take him down,a voice he didn't hear for eons called out to him,as he looked for the voice he found himself in a white room with nothing inside.

''Nikki?'' said a somewhat ghostly voice

Tsar Nicholas froze,it was the voice of a man he had seen die in front of him when he was only 13 ,A Man he called Grandpa,Alexander the 2nd of Russia,who Ruled Russia from 1855 till his death in 1881,he was known as the Great liberator or Great Reformer,he was the Tsar with ideals for reforms and Humanist goals,He was the Man that Nicholas loved,seeing him die when he was 13 left the Tsar fearful of his own death.

Tsar Nicholas froze,it was the voice of a man he had seen die in front of him when he was only 13 ,A Man he called Grandpa,Alexander the 2nd of Russia,who Ruled Russia from 1855 till his death in 1881,he was known as the Great liberator or Great R...

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''G-Grandpa? How are you here? I thought ghosts were a myth''said Nicholas in a pained voice

Alexander stayed silent for a few seconds,his faced was laced with a mix of pain and love,after a few more seconds he spoke

''You know...I watched over ever since you became Tsar,your entire ancestors of Tsars and Tsarinas looked over you,at first we watched in pain,you nearly caused the fall of all we had built for over 300 years.''said Alexander''Then...Your execution came,and you changed,you became ruthless,cold and brutal,You were gone,my grandson,the polite and happy Boy was now a walking shell of a that boy,I wanted to make Russia free and happy,But you made them into a nation of terror,where you rule as god and stripped all my ideals and placed your own vision of them,Freedom shall never see light now i imagine in Russia''

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