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"What?" Jiyong shouted, standing up

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"What?" Jiyong shouted, standing up. Areum followed her father in-law, also standing. Kang-Dae breathed heavily, his chest rising and falling.

"My girlfriend and I were," He coughed, and Eunyoung's cheeks coloured prettily. "We were conversing in the storage room when we overheard a man talking on the phone. He—well, he was frantic and spoke quickly, but we caught him admitting that he killed Dongin."

Gukdoo stiffened, pulling his daughter closer by the arm. Jiyong furrowed his brows, his heartbeat picking up. "And did you see who it was?" Eunyoung shook her head hesitantly.

"No." She stuttered out. "But we heard his voice and we could probably tell who it is if we hear him again." Jiyong rubbed his chin in thought before clasping his hands together. He whistled to two young waiters.

"Get two chairs for this couple." Jiyong ordered before turning back to Kang-Dae and Eunyoung. "Both of you will join me. We will find the despicable cunt." Jiyong spat, settling back down in his seat and sighing with exhausted determination.

❖ ── ✦ ──『✙』── ✦ ── ❖

"There will be a change in plan everyone!" Jiyong announced. The tired guests perked up at his voice, suddenly filling the room with serious, bated breaths. Instinctively, Jimin caught Taehyung's hand under the table, his eyes trained on the aged man as he too awaited the next words. "The voice of the killer has been heard. We will now have male guests walk up to the table and speak."

Hushed whispers erupted around the space, and Taehyung glanced around at the people on their table. Nayeon's eyebrow quirked up at the mention of gender, while Ten fidgeted uncomfortably, along with a few of the other men around them. Jiyong spoke once more before sitting down. "Firstly," He glanced at his suspect list. "Kim Taehyung!"

"Not again." Taehyung groaned, standing up. He patted Jimin's shoulder. "You stay. I'll deal with the old hag and be right back." Jimin rolled his eyes at Taehyung's choice of langauge, watching his boyfriend walk over to the interrogation table. "What would you like me to say, sir?" Taehyung asked Jiyong once he arrived before him.

Jiyong turned to the nervous couple to his left, signaling them to speak. Eunyoung gulped. "Can you please say, 'Yes I killed Dongin, but that was supposed to be it'?" She requested quietly. Taehyung sighed, but complied.

"Yes I killed Dongin, but that was supposed to be it." He boredly uttered, crossing his arms and sneaking a withered glare at Jiyong. Eunyoung shook her head, and looked at Kang-Dae. He agreed with her and flicked his eyes to Jiyong.

"It's not him."

"At least you're not a suspect anymore." Jimin sighed in relief once Taehyung told him of what happened. "I think Jiyong still hates you though." Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"Let him." The taller grumbled, slumping back against the chair and crossing his arms. Jimin's lips flattened and he shot a blank stare towards Taehyung. "What?"

"You are impossible." Jimin commented. "I feel like I always tell you that, do you know?" Taehyung nodded, cheekily smiling. Jimin beamed also, leaning forward and pecking Taehyung's forehead. He glanced around at the table after. A lot of their male friends had gone to be interrogated once more, arriving back to the table in relief.

"Ten." Soojin came and called. "Can you please come to Jiyong?" Ten nodded tersely, following after her. Jimin watched him stand in front of Jiyong.

"Can't believe he actually liked Dongin." Taehyung scoffed, referring to Ten. "God, he pisses me off. I just want to rip that face to shreds." Jimin crossed his arms.

"Tae." The shorter emphasised, looking unimpressed. "It doesn't waste your time to be kind, you know." Jimin said. Taehyung huffed.

"He doesn't deserve it." The latter muttered somewhat childishly, resembling a scolded toddler. Jimin laughed, putting his head on Taehyung's shoulder. However, his eyes could not help trailing back to the interrogation table where Ten was still standing.

"Why do you think it's taking so long for him?" Jimin wondered aloud. Taehyung glanced at the table.

"I'm not sure." The taller replied. "Maybe Jiyong is investiagting him more thoroughly."

Meanwhile, Jiyong sat impatiently and stared up at the silent boy. "Well? Aren't you going to repeat her words?" Dongin's father asked, annoyed. Ten looked around with a trepidatious expression, continuously flicking his nail with his other fingers. "Are you listening?" Ten's mouth remained shut and he showed a clear dislike of speaking as he had not uttered a word since getting to the table.

"Please repeat 'Yes I killed Dongin, but that was supposed to be it.'" Eunyoung tried again. Ten closed his eyes, taking a deep breath before saying those words back to her.

"Yes I killed Dongin, but that was supposed to be it." He said, almost robotically in a symbol of hidden defeat.

Eunyoung's skin paled.

❖ ── ✦ ──『✙』── ✦ ── ❖

hii guys! i recently published my new vmin ff — ASTERIA: HE WHO HOLDS THE STARS!! i hope you take time to check it out ~

- miinyoonqix

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