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Ten was kept on watch by four large males, all cornering him to a chair

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Ten was kept on watch by four large males, all cornering him to a chair. It did not matter, however, as he had accepted his fate and instead sulked for his failed love. Jiyong had calmed down, still shooting daggers through his glare at the male once in a while.

Jimin tugged on Taehyung's sleeve. "Baby." Taehyung looked down.


"I need to go to the bathroom." Jimin said. "But I'm scared to go alone. Can you come?"

"Of course." Taehyung stood up, interlocking his fingers with Jimin's as they both head out to the foyer. The doors were still unsuccessfully locked, and people were now attempting to find the internet routers in the building. Both of them walked down the hallway, spotting the bathroom sign from earlier.

Jimin entered a stall once they went in, and Taehyung stood near the sinks. Taehyung watched the door like a hawk, edging closer to Jimin's stall in an instinctive urge of protection. A flush sounded and Jimin walked out, going over to wash his hands. As he went to press on the pump above the sink for soap, he furrowed his brows.



"What's this?" Jimin raised his hands to show Taehyung. All of his fingers were coated in red. Taehyung's eyes widened as he rushed over and examined Jimin's hand. His sharp gaze trailed over the smooth countertop and soap dispenser. There was a thin layer of blood smeared over the pump with some dried spots left on the counter.

"I think it's blood. Quick—wash it off your hands." Taehyung grabbed the shorter's hands and began scrubbing at the blood on Jimin's skin with his own fingers under the water. Jimin glanced back at the pump, a sickening feeling residing in his stomach.

"That means the murderer was in here." The shorter said, fighting the bilious feeling. "Oh god..."

"It's okay, Jimin. We'll just get out quickly and go back like nothing happened. You're not in trouble." Taehyung spoke fast, turning off the taps and reaching over to rip a paper towel. Jimin shook his head.

"Oh my god..." He repeated, and his stare was elsewhere. Taehyung turned his head to where Jimin was looking. The latter's eyes were fixed on the farthest stall from them, which the two had not realised was closed. Yet it was not locked either as the green indication was present.

Taehyung's vision panned downwards, where under the stall, just behind the door in the shadows was a dark pool of thick, murky blood which would not have been easily noticed without searching for it. Jimin gasped, instantly clinging onto Taehyung and scooting behind him. "What the hell—fuck."

"It's—don't panic, it's okay, just—" Taehyung stuttered, ultimately falling silent as the words dried up in his throat. The cogs in his brain were turning as he could not seem to find out how the door worked. If it was not locked, should it not fly inwards? That's usually how bathroom stall doors were as they were so light. Why is this one closed despite being unlocked?

Taehyung's feet subconsciously began stepping forward, curiosity and fear both bubbling in his core. Jimin held onto his arm, furiously shaking his head. "What are you doing?!" The shorter whisper-yelled. Taehyung signaled him that it was alright and slowly approached the door. He pushed it forward, despite the resistance of something behind it.

Finally, it swung open.

❖ ── ✦ ──『✙』── ✦ ── ❖

OOOOHHHH CLIFF HANGER! what's behind the door, i wonder 🤔

- miinyoonqix

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