Chapter 15

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Nikki's POV

I am currently resting in Ezrah's bed.

I can't sleep especially when he is staring at me like this. He keeps caressing my face which I find nice. It feels so good but I have to act like I am not affected.

I keep thinking if I made the right decision. Everything happens of a sudden.

"Don't worry, we won't do it tonight. I'll give you more time to prepare."
Ezrah uttered.

Prepare what? What the hell is wrong with him?

"Anyway, I'll bring Nigel to the mansion tomorrow. There will be a mass and Ira said my presence is needed there. You come too. They said they want you to come to their place as well."

"Why me? But if you will go there, I won't let you go alone to that place." He said.

"I don't know too."

It was around nine in the morning when we arrived at the mansion. I feel like crying again when I remembered Cole.

"Bestie." Here comes my best friend.

He sounded so weak. He is not in his usual cheerful self. It's totally understandable given that one of their family just died.

He was pushing the twin stroller.

"Are these your babies, mommy?" Nigel called him mommy.

"Gel, he is not your mom," I told my brother.

"But he is your best friend so he is my mommy too," Nigel replied.

"I am your mommy too, cute kid." Reese lowered to kiss his cheek.
"These are my babies, Aki and Rye."

"They are both cute. Why this baby has dirt on his chest?" He is referring to baby Rye's birthmark.

"That's not dirt. Rye was born with it because he is special." Reese told him.

"So this one without a birthmark is not special? Oh, poor baby. Don't worry, you are special to your p'Nigel."
Somehow, it made Reese laugh.

My brother paused. He is thinking.
"Can I marry this baby, mommy? This one without a birthmark? I can be the daddy and he will be the mommy like you." He told me. Oh my gosh, Gel.
What are you saying?

He kissed the baby.

"Don't kiss Aki. You just ate cookies. You didn't wash yet."

"I want this baby Aki. He is cute and clean without a birthmark." Nigel told me.

"I am sorry about my brother, Reese. He is probably hungry."

"I just ate cookies. I love baby Aki." Gel keeps repeating.

I dragged him to the room where the other Kiriguns are waiting.

They are all complete.

The man in the middle started to talk. I haven't seen him before.

"... the Cole Toy Museum and Leisures will be transferred to Reese Jongcheveevat."

Why am I even here?

This seems to be announcement of will.

"50% of his net worth amounting to 237 billion baht will be transferred to his wife, Kai Suppasit while the rest 25% will be divided equally to Aki and Rye." Damn! These babies are loaded.
"15% will go to the Kirigun foundation and the remaining 10% will be under Mr. Isaac Joaquin Ezrael. In addition, there is a vault that you may claim once you get married."

"Why am I included? I just accompanied Nikki here." He said. Why is he so mad? He needs to shut up. At least respect the decision of the deceased.

"Cole hotels and restaurant chains will be transferred to Miracle's name."

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