💡 idea

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"You want me to what?" Nate said looking at you in shock, you stared at him and smiled. "Well don't look so horrified" he opened his mouth to say something then shut it again. After a moment he spoke
"So let me get this straight, you want me, your friends, and family to hold a fake funeral and read eulogies, that we have to write I may add, to you?"
You nodded. "Yup"
He rubbed a hand across his forehead
"Y/n..i-" he paused and stared at you half smiling. "Your quite the character you know that?" You smiled proudly
"OH I know"
He reached out and wrapped his arms around your fragile Shoulders. "I love you" he whispered. You grinned into his shoulder and sighed contently. "I love you to"
He pulled back and studied your face.
"You wanna know something?"
"Your absolutely beautiful"
You laughed
"Ha right Nathan I'm quite literally bald" You said trying to make light of your situation.
He shook his head. "I don't care"
You smiled warmly at him and took his hand
"Thank you"
"There's nothing to thank me for love, you always will be beautiful to me I promise you that"
You nestled your head in the crook of his shoulder and closed your eyes inhaling the smell of him and letting the feeling of home settle around you like a big blanket.
You felt his thumb stroke your cheek
" get some sleep y/n"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2022 ⏰

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