Im Sorry.

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you woke up to the sound of waves lapping the shore. you looked over at Nate and smiled. he looked so peaceful, with a smile on his face. you brushed some loose hair out of his eyes. you looked around and saw you were in some abandoned light house or and Nate probably fell asleep here last night. you slipped outside trying not to disturb him. pulling his jacket tighter around you, you looked at the new dawn drank it in with your eyes. it was the most beautiful thing you've ever seen....then it hit...the headache, the pain

DAMN IT!! you had forgotten your pills at fell to your knees  and curled up in was worse than last time much worse you felt hot tears stream down your face a burst of pain coursed through you. you screamed. "Y/N?" you heard Nate's voice called out faintly. "Y/N!!" it came more urgently. you felt his strong arms wrap around sounded like he was crying. 

"oh god...please no....not now, hold on Y/N..its going to be ok...i love you" 

i tried to tell him i loved him but before i could say anything everything went black. 

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