Concert timeeee **yay**

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**its finally time for the concert** Mikki, Erica, and you say one final goodbye to your mom, and head out to the car. Thankfully the concert was taking place not far from your house. "c'mon guys selfie" she said holding up her phone. Mikki shyed away covering her face. "nooooo" she complained. "oh c'mon Mikki its just a picture" you said laughing. "i hate pictures im sooooo not photogenic" she pouted. you rolled your eyes and shoved her playfully. "Mikki your beautiful" Erica said looking at Mikki and smiling. Mikki blushed. **Mikki is a lesbian she had her coming out story Sophomore year and she has a lil crush on Erica but as usual Erica is totally oblivious to the fact** 

**what do you guys think?? dont be afriad to comment**

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